Tower Comics Checklist
The complete index to Wood & Co.'s adventure comics
From Comic
Book Artist #14
The Tower Comics line was published by Harry Shorten and edited by
Wally Wood and Samm Schwartz. Writers for specific stories are not
generally known (though we've credited those identified by the writers),
but contributing scripters include Wally Wood, Dan Adkins, Len Brown,
Steve Skeates, Larry lvie, Bill Pearson, Russ Jones, Roger Brand,
and Tim Battersby-Brent.
The following index was adopted freely from one originally compiled
for APA-1 by Gene Reed and The Comics Reader #197 by Mike Tiefenbacher.
Corrections noted in TCR #198 and 199's letter columns - from Mark
Evanier and Steve Skeates, respectively - were also added. Thanks
to Mark, Steve, Larry Ivie, Bill Pearson, and Len Brown for giving
the list one final going-over. The art credits were verified and corrected
by Dan Adkins. Special thanks to Jeff Clem and Al Gordon. We haven't
included reference to Tower's teenage titles, Tippy Teen, etc., of
which much was drawn by editor Schwartz. If you have any corrections,
please send 'em in! -Ye Ed.
1 November 1965 Cover: Wally Wood THUNDER Agents: "First Encounter" 4
Art: Wally Wood Story: Larry Ivie Dynamo: "Menace of the Iron Fog" 12 Art: Wally Wood Story: Len Brown/Larry Ivie NoMan: "THUNDER Agent NoMan" 10 Art: Reed Crandall (w/Wood) Story: Larry Ivie Menthor: "The Enemy Within" 12 Art: Gil Kane & George Tuska/Mike Esposito
(pages 2-7 penciled by George Tuska) THUNDER Squad: "THUNDER Squad" 10 Art: M. Sekowsky/F. Giacoia Story: Larry Ivie Dynamo: "At The Mercy of the Iron Maiden" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Adkins
Text: Larry Ivie 2
2 January 1966 Cover: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Dynamo: "Dynamo Battles Dynavac" 13 Art: Wally Wood & Richard Bassford/Wally Wood Story: Len Brown NoMan: "In The Warlord's Power" 10 Art: Dick Ayers/Wally Wood & Joe Orlando Menthor: "Menthor" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia Dynamo: "D-Day For Dynamo" 13 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman THUNDER Squad: "On The Double" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia
Text: "Junior THUNDER Agents" 2
Illustration by Mike Sekowsky
3 March 1966 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo: "Dynamo Battles the Subterraneans" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman NoMan: "NoMan Faces the Threat of the Amazing Vibraman" 10 Art: John Giunta/Wally Wood & Tony Coleman Story: Bill Pearson Dynamo: "The Red Dragon" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman THUNDER Squad: "Invaders From the Deep" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia Dynamo & Menthor: "Dynamo vs. Menthor" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman Pin-up: Dynamo 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Pin-up: NoMan 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Pin-up: The Thunderbelt 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Pin-up: Menthor 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Pin-up: THUNDER Squad 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Letters 2
4 April 1966 Cover: Reed Crandall/Wally Wood Dynamo: "Master of Evolution" 12 Art: Wood & Adkins/Wood, Adkins & Coleman Story: Len Brown NoMan: "The Synthetic Stand-ins" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "The Deadly Dust" (Lightning debut) 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates Dynamo: "The Return of the Iron Maiden" 10 Art: Reed Crandall/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Menthor: "The Great Hypno" 11 Art: John Giunta/Wally Wood & Tony Coleman Pin-up: NoMan in Action 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman Pin-up: The Origin of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Coleman Letters 2
5 June 1966 Cover: Wally Wood/Wood & Adkins Dynamo: "Dynamo and the Golem" 10 Art: Reed Crandall/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins NoMan: "In the Caverns of Demo" 10 Art: Gil Kane/Wally Wood & Tony Coleman Story: Bill Pearson Lightning: "Return of Baron Van Kampf" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates Menthor: "Menthor vs. The Entrancer" 10 Art: John Giunta THUNDER Agents: "Double For Dynamo" 14 Art: Wood & Adkins/Wood & Coleman Story: Skeates Pin-up: Lightning 1 Art: Dan Adkins Letters 2
6 July 1966 Cover: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood Dynamo: "Dynamo & the Sinister Agents of the Red Star" 14 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Adkins Lightning: "The Origin of the Warp Wizard" 11 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "THUNDER vs. Demo" 10 Art: Giunta/Wood & Adkins Menthor: "The Carnival of Death" 10 Art: John Giunta/Carl Hubbell NoMan: "To Fight Alone" 10 Art: Steve Ditko Story: Steve Skeates
7 August 1966 Cover: Wood & Adkins/Wood & Adkins Dynamo: "Wanted: Leonard Brown,
Code Name 'Dynamo', Suspicion of Treason" 10 Art: Wood, Adkins & Ralph Reese/Wood & Adkins Lightning: "The Warp Wizard's Revenge" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "Subterranean Showdown" 10 Art: George Tuska NoMan: "To Be Or Not to Be" 10 Art: John Giunta/Sal Trapani Story: Bill Pearson Menthor: "A Matter of Life and Death" 10 Layouts: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Story: Wood & Adkins
Tight pencils: Steve Ditko Inks: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Pin-up: The Iron Maiden 1 Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wally Wood Letters 2
8 September 1966 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo: "Thunder In the Dark" 10 Art: Wood, Adkins & Reese/Wood & Adkins NoMan: "The Pyramid of the Warlords" 10 Art: John Giunta/Joe Giella Story: Bill Pearson Lightning: "The Blue Alien" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates Raven: "Enter... The Raven" 10 Art: George Tuska Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "Final Encounter" 11 Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Pin-up: The Overlord 1 Art: Wally Wood & Ralph Reese/Wally Wood Letters 2
9 October 1966 Cover: John Giunta/Wally Wood Dynamo: "Corporal Dynamo, U.S.A." 10 Art: John Giunta/Wally Wood Lightning: "Andor" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/
Frank Giacoia (odd pages), Joe Giella (even pages) NoMan: "The Secret of Scorpion Island" 10 Art: John Giunta THUNDER Agents: "The Black Box of Doom" 10 Art: Dan Adkins/Chic Stone Raven: "Raven Battles Mayven The Poet" 11 Art: Manny Stallman Story: Manny Stallman Letters 2
10 November 1966 Cover: Al Williamson & Wally Wood/Wood Dynamo: "Operation Armageddon" 10 Art: Wally Wood Lightning: "The Air Laser" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Joe Giella (odd pages),
Frank Giacoia (even pages) NoMan/Andor: "Three Deeds of Evil" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney THUNDER Agents: "Kitten or Killer?" 10 Art: George Tuska Raven: "The Return of Mayven" 10 Art: Manny Stallman Story: Manny Stallman Letters 2
11 March 1967 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo: "The Death of Dynamo" 10 Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Lightning: "Lightning vs. The Vortex" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates NoMan: "The Trap" 10 Art: John Giunta Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "Understudy For Dynamo" 10 Art: Chic Stone Raven: "The Case of Jacob Einhorn" 10 Art: Manny Stallman Story: Manny Stallman Letters 2
12 April 1967 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo: "Strength is Not Enough" 10 Art: Steve Ditko/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Lightning: "Speed Demon" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia Story: Steve Skeates NoMan: "The Rock" 10 Art: John Giunta/John Giunta & Frank Giacoia THUNDER Agents: "The Road to Spider HQ" 10 Art: Sekowsky/Giacoia & Giella Story: Skeates Raven: "The Raven Battles the Storm Troopers of Xochimilco" 10 Art: Manny Stallman Story: Manny Stallman Letters 2
13 June 1967 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo: "A Bullet for Dynamo" 10 Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins NoMan: "Escape from Destiny" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Lightning: "The Quick and the Changing" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "The Black Helmet" 10 Art: George Tuska Undersea Agent: "The Second Atlantis" 10 Art: Paul Reinman Story: Steve Skeates Letters 2
14 July 1967 Cover: Gil Kane Dynamo/Andor: "Return Engagement" 10 Layouts: Wally Wood Tight Pencils: Steve Ditko Inks: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Lightning: "To Fight is to Die" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates NoMan: "On the Other Side" 10 Art: John Giunta Story: Steve Skeates Raven: "Darkly Sees the Prophet" 10 Art: Gil Kane Story: GiI Kane THUNDER Agents: "The Fist of Zeus" 10 Art: George Tuska Letters 2
15 September 1967 Cover: Gil Kane Dynamo/Andor: "Collision Course" 10 Art: Wally Wood Lightning: "While Our Hero Sleeps..." 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates NoMan :"Starflight to the Assassin Planet" 12 Art: Ogden Whitney Story: Bill Pearson Dynamo: "Hail to the Chief" 10 Art: John Giunta/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Weed: "Dig We Must" 10 Art: George Tuska Pin-up: NoMan in Action (r: TA #4) 1 Pin-up: NoMan (r: TA #3) 1
16 October 1967 Cover: Wally Wood Dynamo/Andor: "Dream of Doom" 10 Art: Steve Ditko NoMan: "One of Our Androids is Missing" 10 Art: Gil Kane/Gil Kane & Jack Abel (Abel pgs. 1-5) Lightning: "The Whirliwig" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates THUNDER Agents: "The End of the THUNDER Agents?" Art: George Tuska
17 December 1967 Cover: Ralph Reese?/Wally Wood THUNDER Agents: "First Encounter" (r: TA #1) 4 Dynamo: "Return of the Hyena" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Ralph Reese/Wally Wood NoMan: "The Locusts are Coming" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Weed: "Weed Out West" 10 Art: George Tuska Dynamo: "Put Them All Together They Spell S.P.I.D.E.R." 10 Art: Chic Stone
18 September 1968 Cover: Reed Crandall Dynamo: "Dynamo Meets the Amazing Mr. Mek" 10 Art: Steve Ditko NoMan: "The Sinister Schemes of Professor Reverse" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Dynamo: "The Arena" 10 Art: Reed Crandall Dynamo: "The Secret of the Abominable Snowmen" 10 Art: Chic Stone Menthor: "A Matter of Life and Death" (r: TA #7) 10 Pin-up: NoMan in Action (r: TA #4) 1
19 November 1968 Cover: vignettes from TA #7, 8, 14 & 16 Dynamo: "Half an Hour of Power" 10 Art: Wally Wood & Ralph Reese/Wally Wood Dynamo: "Dynamo vs. The Ghost" 10 Art: Paul Reinman Dynamo: "All-Girl Gang" 10 Art: George Tuska NoMan: "A Matter of Transmitters" 10 Art: Paul Reinman Lightning: "Speed Demon" (r: TA #12) 10 Pin-up: Dynamo (r: TA #3) 1
20 November 1969 Cover: Chic Stone Dynamo: "The Origin of THUNDER Agent Dynamo" 4 Art: Chic Stone Dynamo: "The Return of the Iron Maiden" (r: TA #4) 10 NoMan: "Threat of the Amazing Vibraman" (r: TA #3) 10 THUNDER Agents: "The Deadly Dust" (r: TA #4) 10 Dynamo: "The Red Dragon" (r: TA #3) 10
1 January 1966 Cover: Ray Bailey "Sink the Carrier Gettysburg" 14
Art: Ray Bailey "Undersea Agent Meets Dr. Fang" 14 Art: Ray Bailey "The Adventures of Skooby Doolittle" 9 Art: Ray Bailey "Food, the Cycle of the Sea" 2 Art: Ray Bailey "Underwater Exploration" 2 Art: John Giunta Text 2
2 April 1966 Cover: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "Return of Dr. Fang" 10
Art: Ray Bailey/Sheldon Moldoff "The Secret of the Flying Saucers" 11 Art: Ray Bailey/Sheldon Moldoff "Double Jeopardy" 11 Art: Ray Bailey/Sheldon Moldoff (Moldoff splash) "The Richest Man in the World" 11 Art: Ray Bailey/Sheldon Moldoff "Buried Beneath the Sea" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia (even pages),
Joe Giella (odd pages) "Mysteries of the Deep" 1 Art: ? "Ocean Oddities" 1 Art: ?
3 June 1966 Cover: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "To Save a King" 14
Art: Ray Bailey Story: Steve Skeates "At the Mercy of Dr. Mayhem" 16 Art: Ray Bailey Story: Steve Skeates "The Panther Whales" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "The Will Warp" 10 Art: Gil Kane Story: Steve Skeates "True or False" 7 Art: John Giunta Story: Steve Skeates "Submarines" 2 Art: John Giunta
4 August 1966 Cover: Gil Kane "Introducing Dolph" 14
Art: Ray Bailey "To Save a Monster" 13 Art: Gil Kane Story: Steve Skeates "The Haunted Shipwreck" 14 Art: Ray Bailey "Bait-Can Caper" 10 Art: Frank Bolle Story: Steve Skeates Letters 1
5 October 1966 Cover: Gil Kane "Born is a Warrior" 20
Art: Gil Kane Story: Gil Kane "Death Darts from the Ocean Floor" 14 Art: Ray Bailey "Merman" (part one) 10 Art: Manny Stallman "The Showdown on Venue" (part two) 10 Art: Manny Stallman Letters 1
6 March 1967 Cover: Wally Wood "Doomsday in the Depths" 20
Art: Gil Kane Story: Gil Kane "The Sea Stalag" 10 Art: Ray Bailey Merman: "Lobster Island" 10 Art: Ray Bailey Letters 2
1 August 1966 Cover: Wally Wood "Menace from the Moon" 14
Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins "A Day in the Life of Dynamo" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "Back to the Stone Age" 10 Art: Reed Crandall/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins "Dynamo Meets the Amazing Andor" 10 Art: Steve Ditko/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins Weed: "Wonder Weed, Super-Hero" 10 Art: John Giunta
2 October 1966 Cover: Wally Wood "The Web of S.P.I.D.E.R." 10
Art: Chic Stone/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins "S.P.I.D.E.R. Strikes at Sea" 10 Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins "The Priceless Counterfeit" 10 Art: Dick Ayers/Wally Wood & Dan Adkins "Between Two Enemies" 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Chic Stone Weed: "The Hyena" 10 Art: George Tuska Pin-up: Red Star 1 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank McLaughlin(?) Pin-up: Andor the Humanoid 1 Art: Dan Adkins
3 March 1967 Cover: Wally Wood "The Unseen Enemy" 10
Art: Wally Wood & Dan Adkins/Wood & Adkins "Bad Day for Leonard Brown" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Ralph Reese "The Feats of Samson" 10 Art: Chic Stone "Honeymoon or High Noon?" 10 Art: Paul Reinman Weed: "Weed vs. THUNDER" 10 Art: George Tuska Letters 2
4 June 1967 Cover: Wally Wood "The Maze" 10
Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood "The Secret Word is..." 10 Art: Dan Adkins/Wally Wood "Dynamo's Day Off" 10 Art: Chic Stone "The Weakest Man in the World" 10 Art: Chic Stone Weed: "Once Upon a Time" 10 Art: Steve Ditko/Wally Wood Story: Wally Wood Letters 2
1 August 1966 Cover: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia Saga of the Lucky 7: "The Mission" 11
Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "The Well in the Desert" 6 Art: Jerry Grandenetti "When It's Time to Die" 10 Art: Jerry Grandenetti Secret Agent Mike Manly: "Message of Doom" 10 Art: Dick Giordano "Chain of Command" 7 Art: José Delbo "Iwo Jima" 6 Art: José Delbo Gallant Warriors: "Major Charles Loring, Jr., USAF" 2 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia
2 October 1966 Cover: José Delbo Saga of the Lucky 7: "Michel's Revenge" 12
Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia & Joe Giella "The Ace" 5 Art: Frank Bolle "The Silent Service" 8 Art: Russ Jones/Al McWilliams Story: Russ Jones "Dead Wrong" 9 Art: Ray Bailey Mike Manly Secret Agent: "The XX119" 5 Secret Agent Mike Manly: "Assignment in Paris" 10 Art: José Delbo "Green Berets" 12 Art: Boris Vallejo K.P. McGoof 1 Art: Samm Schwartz
3 March 1967 Cover: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia Zack Fight of the Green Berets: "The Draftee" 10
Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "Pearl Harbor... Old Subs Never Die..." 10 Art: Mike Sekowsky/Frank Giacoia "The Young Ones" 8 Art: Al McWilliams Secret Agent Mike Manly: "Assignment in Paris" 10 Art: José Delbo Lucky-7 "A Date with Alice" 10 Art: Chic Stone K.P. McGoof 2 Art: Samm Schwartz "Robert Scott, American Ace" 1/2 Art: Wally Wood
1 November 1966 Cover: Wally Wood "Fingers of Fate" 10
Art: Gil Kane/Paul Reinman "Secret in the Sky" 10 Art: John Giunta Lightning: "The Warp Wizard's Master Plan" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates "Trapped in the Past" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Story: Steve Skeates "The Good Subterranean" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney
2 March 1967 Cover: Wally Wood "Dynamo vs. NoMan" 10
Art: Ogden Whitney "The Weird Case of the Kiss of Death" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Lightning: "The Web Tightens" 10 Art: Chic Stone Story: Steve Skeates "Target NoMan" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney "A Quick Change of Mind" 10 Art: Ogden Whitney Story: Steve Skeates
Paperback Collections
DYNAMO (Tower Book 42-660) 1966 Cover: Wally Wood (r) Frontis "Menace of the Iron Fog" (splash only, r: TA #1) 1
THUNDER Agents: "First Encounter" (r: TA #1) 12 Dynamo: "Menace of the Iron Fog" (r: TA #1) 34 NoMan: "NoMan Battles the Spawns of the Devil" (r: TA #1) 27 Menthor: "The Enemy Within" (r: TA #1) 35 Dynamo: "At the Mercy of the Iron Maiden" (r: TA #1) 29
NoMAN (Tower Book 42-672) 1966 Cover: Chic Stone & Wally Wood (r)
"In the Warlord's Power" (r: TA #2) 31 "NoMan Faces the Threat of the Amazing Vibraman" (r: TA #2) 29
"The Synthetic Stand-Ins" (r: TA #4) 29 "NoMan in Action" (r: TA #3) 3 "In the Caverns of Demo" (r: TA #5) 30 Back cover: NoMan pin-up (r: TA #3) 1
MENTHOR (Tower Book 42-674) 1966 Cover: Steve Ditko & Wally Wood (r)
"Menthor" (r: TA #2) 30 "Dynamo vs. Menthor" (r: TA #3) 29
"The Great Hypno" (r: TA #4) 33 "Menthor vs. the Entrancer" (r: TA #4) 30 Back cover: "The Great Hypno" splash (r: TA #4) 1
THE TERRIFIC TRIO (Tower Book 42-687) 1966 Cover: Dan Adkins (r)
Dynamo: "Dynamo Battles the Subterraneans" (r: TA #3) 28 Dynamo: "Dynamo Battles Dynavac" (r: TA #2) 39
Menthor: "The Carnival of Death" (r: TA #6) 31 NoMan: "To Fight Alone" (r: TA #6) 28
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