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Alter Ego 161 -


The PRINT Edition is SOLD OUT! But a DIGITAL Edition is available!

November 2019 - 100 pages (FULL COLOR)

ALTER EGO #161 (100 pages, $9.95) is a full-issue tribute to Stan (The Man) Lee and his contributions to comics! Roy Thomas writes on his more than 50-year relationship with Stan! Art by Kirby, Ditko, Maneely, Everett, Severin, Romita—plus tributes from pros and fans alike—and special sections on Stan by Michael T. Gilbert, Bill Schelly, and even the FCA! Vintage Galactus cover by Jack Kirby and Vince Colletta! Edited by ROY THOMAS.

This issue is reprinted in ALTER EGO COLLECTORS' ITEM CLASSICS, with new material!

Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: JUL192270

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