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Alter Ego 142 -



September 2016 - 84 pages (FULL COLOR)

In ALTER EGO #142 (80 full-color pages, $8.95), super-fan DAVID SIEGEL talks to RICHARD ARNDT about how, from 1991 to 2005, he tracked down some of the greatest and hardest-to-find artists of the Golden Age and brought them to the San Diego Comic-Con! Featuring art and artifacts by those classic talents, including RAMONA FRADON, CHAD GROTHKOPF, SHELDON MOLDOFF, HARRY LAMPERT, CHUCK CUIDERA, CREIG FLESSEL, PAUL NORRIS, VIN SULLIVAN, JOE GIELLA, IRV NOVICK, KURT SCHAFFENBERGER, and others! Plus: RICH MORRISSEY on how Golden/Silver Age star writer JOHN BROOME got to the Con! Also, MICHAEL T. GILBERT in Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt, FCA (Fawcett Collector’s of America) section, and more! Edited by ROY THOMAS.

Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: MAY161830

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