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Alter Ego 26 -



The PRINT Edition is SOLD OUT, but a DIGITAL Edition is available!

July 2003 - 108 pages

ALTER EGO #26 spotlights JOLTIN’ JOE SINNOTT and IRWIN DONENFELD! Behind color covers by JOE and WAYNE BORING, SINNOTT is interviewed about his half-century career—from horror comics to Fantastic Four to the Spider-Man comic strip, with plenty of Sinnott-inked art by JACK KIRBY, JOHN BUSCEMA, GIL KANE, and others! 1950s-60s DC publisher IRWIN DONENFELD talks in-depth about his father HARRY DONENFELD (co-founder of DC) and 60-plus years of DC insider history! Rare art by NEAL ADAMS, CARMINE INFANTINO, JOE SHUSTER, BOB KANE, MORT MESKIN, and many more! Plus: ALEX TOTH on comic art! FCA (FAWCETT COLLECTORS OF AMERICA) with C.C. BECK and MARC SWAYZE! MICHAEL T. GILBERT and MR. MONSTER throw a pop quiz! BILL SCHELLY on 1960s comics fandom! ROY THOMAS on the All-Star Squadron,  with art by JERRY ORDWAY, RICH BUCKLER, and some Golden Age greats! Don’t miss it!

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