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Alter Ego 158 -



May 2019 - 100 pages (FULL COLOR)

ALTER EGO #158 (100 pages, $9.95) is an FCA [Fawcett Collectors of America] Special! We shine the spotlight on fabled Golden Age writer WILLIAM WOOLFOLK ("the Shakespeare of the Comics”), including an exclusive interview, and his scripting records! With art by BECK, SCHAFFENBERGER, BORING, BOB KANE, CRANDALL, L.S. SCHWARTZ, KRIGSTEIN, ANDRU, JACK COLE, FINE, PETER, HEATH, PLASTINO, MOLDOFF, GRANDENETTI, and more! Plus JOHN BROOME, CRYPT, SCHELLY, and the 2017 STAR WARS PANEL with CHAYKIN, LIPPINCOTT, and THOMAS! Edited by ROY THOMAS.

Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: JAN192159

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