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Alter Ego 10 -


Alter Ego 10
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The PRINT Edition is SOLD OUT, but a DIGITAL Edition is available!

Autumn 2001 - 100 pages

ALTER EGO #10 focuses on The Flash and Green Lantern from the 1940s to 2001, plus Vin Sullivan’s MAGAZINE ENTERPRISES, 1943-58! Behind two brand new full-color covers—The Flash (yesterday and today) by CARMINE INFANTINO & TERRY AUSTIN, and the heroes of M.E. by DICK AYERS—we present a rare 1996 interview with CARMINE INFANTINO (with unpublished 1940s Flash and Green Lantern art), plus the life & legends of JOHN BROOME! We learn “Who Created the Silver Age Flash?” from INFANTINO, ROBERT KANIGHER, JULIUS SCHWARTZ, and JOE KUBERT! There’s unglimpsed interviews with M.E. creators VIN SULLIVAN, DICK AYERS, FRED GUARDINEER, and JOHN BELFI! Rare and unpublished art from the Golden and Silver Ages by AYERS, KUBERT, GUARDINEER, BELFI, BOB POWELL, FRANK BOLLE, FRED MEAGHER, ARTHUR PEDDY, FRANK HARRY, GIL KANE, and others! LEN WEIN, DICK GIORDANO, RICH BUCKLER, and ROY THOMAS on the All-Star Squadron! Plus FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America) with C.C. BECK, MARC SWAYZE and others—more about WAYNE BORING by MICHAEL T. GILBERT—JERRY DE FUCCIO—BILL SCHELLY on early fandom, and more!

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