TwoMorrows Tune-In #29: Bobby Bryant, The Thin Black Line: Perspectives on Vince Colletta
Anyone who follows us here at TwoMorrows Publishing knows that we have a deep appreciation for Jack Kirby. This month we take a look at one of Kirby’s inkers, who in his own right was very contoroversial – Vince Colletta. Bobby Bryant author of The Thin Black Line: Perspectives on Vince Colletta talks with host Chris Marshall on Colleta’s life, work and what made Colleta such a lightning rod and fuels so much fire that can be found on comic book message boards throughout the internet.
Don’t forget that TwoMorrows is offering all the Build Your Own Bundle Sale now until June 30!
Chris also goes over all of the June 2010 releases.
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e-mail Chris with questions and/or comments. He may even read it on the next Tune-In!