There were a scarce few true gentlemen in comics—you know, the kind of guys who hardly anyone had a bad word to say about. Archie Goodwin is probably the #1 person who comes to mind, but a close second would be Dick Giordano. And the new issue of ALTER EGO (#106) is now out, featuring a retrospective on Dick’s career in comics. If you love the guy’s work (and the guy himself) as much as me, check out the free preview we’ve posted, and consider ordering at your local comics shop, or directly from our website.
Monthly Archives: January 2012
BrickJournal #17 is here!
After a long delay between issues #15 and #16 (due to an ordering snag at LEGO, which kept us from printing #16 for a few months), issue #17 of BRICKJOURNAL, our magazine for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages, is here (and shipping just a few weeks after #16, which shipped so late). It’s a special SPACE WAR issue, with a lesson in starfighter building, a look at why Space Marines are so popular, and a trip behind the scenes of Alien Conquest, the new LEGO theme that hit the shelves earlier this year. There’s also the regular column on minifigure customization, building tips, event reports, our step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions, and you can check out a free preview HERE.