Want to take advantage of our 45% OFF Sale, but don’t want to wade through so many issues on our website? Download our FREE PDF Catalog, which is fully interactive. Just flip through it, find an issue you like, click on it, and you’ll automatically be taken to its ordering page online. Then repeat for each issue you want to order, and checkout. Easy-peasy!
CLICK HERE to download your free PDF copy!
Now through December 5, TwoMorrows Publishing is offering 45% OFF all our older Black & White print magazines! This includes:
Alter Ego (up to issue #106, including Alter Ego: Centennial)
Back Issue (up to issue #51)
Comic Book Artist (all issues)
Draw (up to issue #24)
Jack Kirby Collector (up to issue #60, including Kirby Five-Oh! and Lee & Kirby: The Wonder Years)
Rough Stuff (all issues)
PLUS: All BrickJournal and LEGO-related publications (including our Minifigure Customization and You Can Build It books) are also 45% off!
So it’s a great time to stock up for the holidays, as a gift for someone else, or treat yourself and complete your collection!
BONUS: We’ve also included all our SCRATCH & DENT items (slightly scuffed or dinged copies of long sold-out books & mags) in this 45% off sale. In many cases, only one copy is left, so don’t delay!
The sale is for ONLINE orders only, placed at our website through 12:01am EST on Dec. 5, 2016. It only applies to PRINT copies, but a free digital edition is included where available (except for scratch & dent copies, which are print only). New and upcoming issues are not part of this sale, but are available at our everyday 15% off discount.