Monthly Archives: September 2024

Thirty years… wow.

30 years ago today (Sept. 5), I hand-mailed 125 free copies of JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #1 to some of Jack’s most devoted fans. That day, I had no idea my little 16-page, hand-xeroxed/folded/stapled labor of love would evolve into TwoMorrows Publishing, and alter the course of my life.

Today, I’ll be taking my 30th anniversary issue (#91) to our mail house, to be sent to many of those same subscribers who’ve stuck with us for three decades. I’m humbled that they’ve trusted me (with the invaluable help of a legion of wonderful contributors) to document comic book history all these years, and allowed me to make a living doing what I so love.

Thank you, readers. And thank you, Jack Kirby. Everything we’ve accomplished at TwoMorrows is because of the true King of Comics.

John Morrow, publisher

See TJKC #91 here.

And learn TwoMorrows Publishing’s 30-year history in our anniversary book, on sale for just $10 today.

Michael Eury Retirement Sale!

In honor of our longtime pal (and amazing author/editor) MICHAEL EURY‘s official retirement this month, we’re putting all in-stock print copies of his books and magazines at 50% off, September 3–25! (He’s been with TwoMorrows for 22 years, so that’s one sale day for each year he’s been knocking it out of the ballpark with his stellar work!)

Get half-price copies of:
Back Issue magazine (up to #149)
RetroFan magazine (up to #32)
Hero-A-Go-Go (the perfect companion to our new book Zowie!)
The Team-Up Companion

And as a special bonus for his fans, learn his backstory (and how Back Issue and RetroFan came to be) in our World of TwoMorrows anniversary book—on sale now for just $10 (or $9.99 for the digital edition) during this sale!

Happy retirement, Euryman!