Author Archives: Mr. Morrow

NOW SHIPPING: Back Issue #157, Cryptology #2, Kirby Collector #92, and BrickJournal #88!

Back Issue! 157

Back Issue #157: Keith Giffen Tribute Issue! Star-studded celebration of the prolific writer/artist of Legion of Super-Heroes, Rocket Raccoon, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justice League, Lobo, Blue Beetle, and others! With Cary Bates, Tom Bierbaum, J.M. DeMatteis, Dan DiDio, Robert Loren Fleming, Cully Hamner, Scott Koblish, Paul Levitz, Kevin Maguire, Bart Sears, Mark Waid, and more. Edited by Michael Eury Roger AshPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Cryptology 02

Cryptology #2: The Cryptologist hosts Roger Hill’s interview with horror comics artist Don Heck, severed hand films, pre-Code comic book terrors, the otherworldly horrors of Hammer’s Quatermass, another Killer “B” movie classic, plus the Shadow’s 1940s horror-inspired comic book covers. It’s retro-horror done right by Forshaw, the Kronenbergs, Leese, Pete von Sholly, and editor Peter NormantonPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Jack Kirby Collector 92

Jack Kirby Collector #92: It’s Kirby IN THE NEWS! Rare newspaper interviews with Jack, 1973 San Diego panel with Jack and Neal Adams discussing DC’s coloring, strips Kirby ghosted for others, unused strip concepts, collages, a never-reprinted Headline Comics tale, Jimmy Olsen pencil art gallery, Mark Evanier’s 2024 Kirby Tribute Panel from Comic-Con International, and more! Cover inked by David Reddick. Edited by John MorrowPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

BrickJournal 88

BrickJournal #88: Get small with LEGO Microscale building! See Sébastien Houyoux’s Vatican City, the creations of Marco Lucafò and ABrickDreamer, and a talk with senior LEGO Designer Mark Stafford! Plus BrickNerd, Bantha Bricks: Fans of LEGO Star Wars, step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, and Minifigure Customization with Jared K. Burks. Edited by Joe MenoPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Download our NEW updated 2025 Cataloghere!

NOW SHIPPING: Alter Ego #191 and RetroFan #36!

ALTER EGO #191: #191 is an FCA (Fawcett Collectors Of America) issue! Documenting the influence of Mac Raboy’s Captain Marvel Jr. on the life, career, and look of Elvis Presley during his stellar career, from the 1950s through the 1970s! Plus: Comic Jungle – Part II”  with Yeates, Williamson, Crandall, Morrow, Bagnoli, Giolitti, et al., Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and other surprises. Edited by Roy ThomasPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

RETROFAN #36: Feel the G-Force of Eighties sci-fi toon Battle of the Planets! Plus: The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.’s Stefanie Powers, athlete-turned-actor Chuck Connors, The Oddball World of SCTV, Rankin/Bass’ stop-motion Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, Kiss My Grits—Television’s Greatest Catchphrases, one-season TV shows, and more! Featuring columns by Andy Mangels, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, Scott Shaw, and Mark Voger. Edited by Michael EuryPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

And it’s the FINAL HOURS to get $6 back issues of all our magazines! Get our free Holiday Sale Catalog here!

Back Issue #156 and BrickJournal #87 are now shipping!

BACK ISSUE #156: Bronze Age Graphic Novels! An exploration of the 1980s graphic novels from Marvel, DC, and First Comics. Plus: Conan GNs and DC’s Science Fiction GN series! Featuring Brent Anderson, John Byrne, Howard Chaykin, Chris Claremont, José Luis García-López, Jack Kirby, Don McGregor, Bob McLeod, Bill Sienkiewicz, Jim Starlin, Roy Thomas, Bernie Wrightson, & more. Re-presenting the Hulk/Thing cover art from Marvel Graphic Novel #29, by Wrightson. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

BRICKJOURNAL #87: Take to the air with Jesse Gros and his wondrous airships! Kevin Copa’s renditions of the ships from International Rescue, a.k.a. the Thunderbirds, are also featured, as well as Jack Carleson and his airliners! Plus BrickNerdBantha Bricks: Fans of LEGO Star Wars, step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, and Minifigure Customization with Jared K. BurksPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

And through Dec. 9, most Back Issues are $6 each and most BrickJournals and Lego books are just $3 each! Get our free Holiday Sale Catalog here!

It’s finally here: American Comic Book Chronicles: 1945-1949!

The American Comic Book Chronicles continues its ambitious series of FULL-COLOR HARDCOVERS, where TwoMorrows’ top authors document every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today! At long last, this 1945-49 volume covers the comic book industry during the aftermath of World War II, when scores of writers and artists returned from foreign battlefields to resume their careers. It was a period when readers began turning away from the escapist entertainment offered by super-heroes in favor of other genres, like the grittier, more brutal crime comics. It was a time when Joe Simon and Jack Kirby created Young Romance, inaugurating a golden age of romance comics. And it was during this five-year period that Timely and National Comics capitalized on the popularity of Westerns, that Bill Gaines plotted a new course for EC Comics in the wake of his father’s death, and that Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster first sued for the rights to Superman. These are just a few of the events chronicled in this exhaustive, full-color hardcover, further documenting the ACBC series’ cohesive, linear overview of the entire landscape of comics history! Edited by Keith Dallas and John WellsPreview the book, and order your copy here!

Stock up during TwoMorrows’ huge Holiday Sale!

Now through December 9, TwoMorrows is having its biggest Holiday Sale yet, where you can stuff your stocking with huge savings on most of our books and magazines!

Just CLICK HERE to download our free 22-page Holiday Catalog, full of bargains sure to make even the gringiest fan smile! Then click on any image to be taken to its ordering page:

$6 Magazines:
Alter Ego
Back Issue
Comic Book Creator
Jack Kirby Collector

$6 Books:
Modern Masters volumes
Comic Book Artist Bullpen
Best of Draw
Vols. 1 and 3
Best of Alter Ego Vol. 2
The World of TwoMorrows anniversary book

$12 Books:
Carmine Infantino: Penciler Publisher Provocateur
Don Heck: A Work Of Art
The Star*Reach Companion

$18 Books:
Working With Ditko
The Quality Companion
The Life & Art of Dave Cockrum
Marvel Comics In The 1960s
Marvel Comics In The 1970s Expanded Edition
Marvel Comics In The 1980s
Kirby & Lee: Stuf’ Said! (Expanded Second Edition)

$24 Books:
John Severin: Two-Fisted Comic Book Artist
Mac Raboy: Master of the Comics
Cliffhanger! Cinematic Superheroes of the Serials
Alter Ego Collectors’ Item Classics
American TV Comic Books
The Team-Up Companion
The Life & Art of Dave Cockrum
Reed Crandall: Illustrator of the Comics
Britmania: The British Invasion of the Sixties in Pop Culture
Groovy: When Flower Power Bloomed in Pop Culture

$30 Books:
Jack Kirby’s Dingbat Love
The Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics

Plus most American Comic Book Chronicles volumes are just $36!

And all Lego books and BrickJournal magazines are just $3 each!

American Comic Book Chronicles: 1945-1949 ships this Monday, Nov. 18!

The long-awaited American Comic Book Chronicles: 1945-1949 ships Monday!See a preview, and order it here!

The American Comic Book Chronicles continues its ambitious series of full-color hardcovers, where TwoMorrows’ top authors document every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today! At long last, this 1945-49 volume covers the comic book industry during the aftermath of World War II, when scores of writers and artists returned from foreign battlefields to resume their careers. It was a period when readers began turning away from the escapist entertainment offered by super-heroes in favor of other genres, like the grittier, more brutal crime comics. It was a time when Joe Simon and Jack Kirby created Young Romance, inaugurating a golden age of romance comics. And it was during this five-year period that Timely and National Comics capitalized on the popularity of Westerns, that Bill Gaines plotted a new course for EC Comics in the wake of his father’s death, and that Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster first sued for the rights to Superman. These are just a few of the events chronicled in this exhaustive, full-color hardcover, further documenting the ACBC series’ cohesive, linear overview of the entire landscape of comics history! Edited by Keith Dallas and John WellsPreview the book, and pre-order your copy here!

American Comic Book Chronicles: 1945-1949
Edited by Keith Dallas and John Wells
264-page full-color Hardcover
$49.95 cover price
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: JUN242032
ISBN13: 978-1-60549-099-1
Ships Nov. 18 from TwoMorrows Publishing, and at your local comics shop on Nov. 27

IN PREVIEWS NOW: Back Issue #158, BrickJournal #89, final copies of It Rose From The Tomb, & more!

Here’s what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in the latest Diamond Previews catalog! Use the Diamond Order Codes to order at your local comic book shop, or click the covers below to order directly from TwoMorrows! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!

October PREVIEWS: PAGES 383–385
NOV241857 BACK ISSUE #158 NEW!
NOV241861 DON HECK: A WORK OF ART (Hardcover)
NOV241864 MARVEL COMICS IN THE EARLY 1960s (Softcover)

Visit TwoMorrows this weekend at Chiller Theatre Expo in New Jersey!

TwoMorrows will be exhibiting this weekend (October 25-27) at Chiller Theatre Expo in Parsippany, NJ!

We’ll have advance copies of these upcoming January releases:
Cryptology #2
Back Issue #157
Comic Book Creator #37
Jack Kirby Collector #92

Plus copies of Cryptology #1, RetroFan back issues, books, and more. Come see us!

For details on attending, go to

NOW SHIPPING: Back Issue #155, Alter Ego #190, RetroFan #35, Comic Book Creator #36, and Cryptology #1!

Back Issue! 155

BACK ISSUE #155: This issue is Haunted! House of Mystery, House of Secrets, Unexpected, Marvel’s failed horror anthologies, Haunted Tank, Eerie Publications, House II adaptation, Elvira’s House of Mystery, and more with Neal Adams, Mike W. Barr, Dick Giordano, Sam Glanzman, Robert Kanigher, Joe Orlando, Steranko, Bernie Wrightson, and others. Unused cover by García-López & Wrightson. Edited by Michael EuryPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Alter Ego 190

ALTER EGO #190: Mitch Maglio examines vintage JUNGLE COMICS HEROES (Kaänga, Ka-Zar, Sheena, Rulah, Jo-Jo/Congo King, Thun’da, Tarzan) with art by Lou Fine, Will Eisner, Frank Frazetta, Matt Baker, Bob Powell, Alex Schomburg, and others! Plus: the comicbook career of real-life jungle explorers Martin and Osa Johnson, FCA, Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and more! Edited by Roy ThomasPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

RetroFan 35

RETROFAN #35: Saturday morning super-hero Space Ghost, plus The Beatles, The Jackson 5ive, and other real rockers in animation! Also: The Addams Family’s John Astin, Mighty Isis co-stars Joanna Pang and Brian Cutler, TV’s The Name of the Game, on the set of Evil Dead II, classic coffee ads, and more! With Mark Arnold, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, Scott Shaw, Mark Voger & Michael EuryPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Comic Book Creator 36

COMIC BOOK CREATOR #36: Tom Palmer retrospective, career-spanning interview, and tributes compiled by Greg BigaLee Marrs chats about assisting on Little Orphan Annie, work for DC’s Plop! and underground Pudge, Girl Blimp! The start of a multi-part look at the life and career of Dan DiDio, part two of our Arnold Drake interview, public service comics produced by students at the Center For Cartoon Studies, & more! Edited by Jon B. CookePreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Cryptology 01

CRYPTOLOGY #1: The Cryptologist (with editor Peter Normanton) exhumes the best in retro-horror, including the worst 1950s Horror Comics excesses, Killer “B” movies to die for, the creepiest, kookiest horror toys, the House of Usher, Addams Family vs. The Munsters, Bernie Wrightson’s Warren frontispieces, Hammer films, Atlas pre-code covers, and more help from henchmen Will Murray, Mark Voger, Barry Forshaw, Tim Leese, Pete von Sholly, and Steve and Michael KronenbergPreview the issue, and order your copy here!