Author Archives: Mr. Morrow

Last Chance Items!

A retailer has just returned a bunch of our old, sold-out items to us, and we’ve just listed them at in the “Last Chance Items!” category. There’s only one or two of each item, so get there fast, or they’ll be gone! They are:

Against The Grain: MAD Artist Wallace Wood Softcover
All-Star Companion Volume
Comic Book Artist #11, 13, and 17
Draw! #2, 3, 7, and 12
Jack Kirby Collector #1-14, 18, 22, 28, and 29
Sense of Wonder
The Life & Art of Murphy Anderson
Write Now! #12

They’re all priced at their ORIGINAL COVER PRICE, so they’re great bargains (with many of them going much higher these days on eBay), but since they’re already so cheap, they’re not part of our new standard 15% off cover price discount.

And if you click on them and the button says “SOLD OUT”, sorry, someone got to them before you, so hurry! These are our ONLY REMAINING COPIES of all of these items!

George Khoury on CBR!

Our own George Khoury (author of, most recently, our book on the history of Image Comics, which spurred the original founders’ reunion at last year’s Comicon International), now has a regular column at the Comic Book Resources website. Check it out at:

It’ll feature George and some interesting guest contributors. Already, his first column has generated quite a bit of buzz (and a little controversy), so head on over when you get a minute.

Ahh, Anniversaries…

Spent last evening with my lovely wife Pam at our local Ruth’s Chris Steak House (still don’t understand that name; is it Ruth’s, or Chris’?), celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary. We’re actually a week late celebrating, since we got married on January 16, 1987, but our babysitter wasn’t available last Wednesday, and anyway, Pam was tied up working on the planning for our daughter’s school’s Spring Art Festival (for which Pam volunteered her design services).

I’d never been to a Ruth’s Chris before; this time, we went compliments of a gift card from a friend, and the food and service were superb. It was certainly pricey, so not somewhere we’d go on a regular basis, but really nice for a special occasion. I recall they have one in San Diego, so we might just check it out when we’re there for Comicon this summer. Highly recommended!

January 16 is also Pam’s parent’s wedding anniversary, her Godmother’s birthday, and… (wait for it; you know I had a point in here somewhere)… the day we started our company TwoMorrows Advertising, back in 1990 (four years before we actually started publishing comics stuff as TwoMorrows Publishing). So it’s a really special day here at Casa de TwoMorrows.

Boy, 21 years is a long time to do anything with anyone, and why Pam’s not sick of me yet is beyond me. It’s also nice to know that you readers aren’t sick of us after 14 years of publishing. We’ve got lots of really fun, exciting plans for 2008, and our updated catalog goes to the printer today. I’ll be posting a fully-interactive version of it for downloading in a couple of weeks, once we get all the new stuff added to our site.

And if you shop at our site, I guarantee you’ll find something there in a couple of weeks that’s going to make you really, really happy. Stay tuned!

TwoMorrows Best Of noms

The Comic Geek Speak podcast has released their Best Of 2007 nominations, and several TwoMorrows Publishing projects are in the running in the Best Publication About Comics category:

Back Issue! the Ultimate Comics Experience (TwoMorrows)
Image Comics: the Road to Independence (TwoMorrows)
Comics Gone Ape! the Missing Link to Primates in Comics (TwoMorrows)

Over the next few days anyone can vote for their choices in each category, and they’ll announce the winners in an upcoming episode. For the complete Best Of list, visit:

We, and our website, are back!

After a much-needed holiday break, I got back late yesterday, to a mountain of phone messages and emails. To show you how seriously I took my vacation, I never once logged onto a computer, so didn’t notice that our website was down for the last five days! Webmeister Rand Hoppe was quickly alerted, and took care of the problem, so it’s back up and running. Look for some exciting new developments there over the next couple of weeks.

And thanks for your patience as we get out from under all the accumulate orders and correspondence we’ve got to dig through!

In case you’re curious, vacation took the form of a family get-together in Atlanta, followed by several days in sunny Orlando, Florida (two days of which had temps in the frigid 30s and 40s; sigh). Still, in spite of a couple of cold days, Pam, the girls, and I had a lot of fun. Although I’ve got to say; I much prefer DisneyLAND (in Anaheim, California, which we visit every summer after the San Diego Comicon) to DisneyWORLD in Orlando. DL just seems to try harder; the crowds aren’t as overwhelming, food’s less expensive, employees seem friendlier, restrooms are always immaculate… I dunno, maybe it’s just due to the sheer volume of people that go to Orlando. However, I will say that our dinner with the Disney Princesses at the Norway section of EPCOT was unbelievably entertaining for our three and six-year old daughters. The looks on their faces when Cinderella, Ariel, and others came over and sat down at our table was totally priceless. If you’ve got daughters, definitely check it out if you’re in Orlando. (And the food was fabulous too.)

No tax for Jack

Jack Kirby Museum director Rand Hoppe just called to tell me that the IRS finally approved the Museum’s 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status! What does this mean to you, the current or prospective Museum member? Not much directly, but it does mean the Museum doesn’t have to pay taxes on donations and fundraisers, so there’ll be that much more money available to put on displays.

If you haven’t joined, click the link above, and spread the Kirby love!

Kirby Checklist corrections needed

We’re planning to do an updated “Gold” edition of the Jack Kirby Checklist for 2008, which will include all the additions and corrections we’ve received since we pubished the “Silver” edition back in 1998. So if you noticed something we missed, please email it to Richard Kolkman (who’s done such a great job keeping the checklist updated since he first re-compiled it a decade ago) at:

We particularly need listings of Kirby work that has been published since 1998, whether it’s a reprint, poster, trading cards, etc. So send ’em in soon, and thanks to everyone who’s helped out on this worthwhile project over the years.