Category Archives: TNT

Back Issue magazines are on sale through June 17 for $5 each!

Now through June 17, in-stock print issues of Back Issue up through #149 are just $5 each

free Digital Edition is included with all print copies! (Separate Digital Editions are sold at full price.) Many early issues are close to selling out, so don’t wait!

Use this link to download an interactive flyer with all the available issues. Then just click on any cover image, and you’ll be automatically taken to its ordering page on our website. Or just visit to order.

IN PREVIEWS NOW: Cryptology #1, ACBC: 1945-49, Alter Ego #190, Back Issue #155, RetroFan #35, & Comic Book Creator #36!

Here’s what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in the latest Diamond Previews catalog! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!

June PREVIEWS: PAGES 434–436
JUN242027 ALTER EGO #190 NEW!
JUN242028 BACK ISSUE #155 NEW!
JUN242034 KIRBY & LEE: STUF’ SAID Expanded 2nd Edition (Softcover)
JUN242035 THE MLJ COMPANION (Softcover) Final print copies at Diamond! Sold out at TwoMorrows!

No more Barnes & Noble for RetroFan and BrickJournal

Due to rising fees, no future issues of RetroFan or BrickJournal magazine will be sold at Barnes & Noble. RetroFan #32 and BrickJournal #85 are the last ones going through that distribution channel, but you can still get them both by mail and in comic book shops as always!

(And before you ask, no, we’re not cancelling either mag. Both are doing just fine, thank you, and will be financially stronger in the long run by dropping B&N.)

If you normally get RetroFan at a B&N store, subscribe now so you don’t miss #33 in June! Or order #33 separately here!

Same with BrickJournal—subscribe now so you don’t miss #86 in July! Or order #86 separately here!

Join TwoMorrows this Saturday at the G3ektacular Comic Book Show

TwoMorrows Publishing will be at the G3ektacular Comic Book & Toy Show, this Saturday (April 27) in Greenville NC! Back Issue magazine editor Michael Eury and publisher John Morrow will both be on hand for this fun one-day show.

We’ll have a limited selection of backstock, as well as PRE-RELEASE COPIES of:
Alter Ego #188 (the double-size 25th anniversary issue)
Back Issue #152
RetroFan #33
Comic Book Implosion: Expanded Edition

Greenville Convention Center
303 Greenville Blvd SW
Greenville, NC
Open from 10am-4pm
Free admission!

Alter Ego #187, Comic Book Creator #34, RetroFan #32, and BrickJournal #85 now shipping!

ALTER EGO #187: Focuses on great early science-fiction author Edmond Hamilton, who went on to an illustrious career at DC Comics, writing Superman, Batman, and especially The Legion of Super-Heroes! Learn all about his encounters with Ray Bradbury, Mort Weisinger, Julius Schwartz, et al—a panoply of titans! Plus FCA, Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and more! Edited by Roy ThomasPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

COMIC BOOK CREATOR #34: Dan Jurgens talks about Superman, Sun Devils, creating Booster Gold, developing the “Doomsday scenario” with the demise of the Man of Steel, and more! Traverse Don Glut’s “Glutverse” continuity across Gold Key, Marvel, and DC! Plus Rick Altergott, we conclude our profiles of Mike Deodato, Jr. and Frank Borth, Linda Sunshine (editor of DC/Marvel hardcover super-hero collections), & more! Edited by Jon B. CookePreview the issue, and order your copy here!

RETROFAN #32: Featuring a profile of The Partridge Family’s heartthrob David Cassidy, Thundarr the Barbarian, LEGO blocks, Who Created Mighty Mouse?, Buckaroo Banzai turns forty, Planet Patrol, an encounter with Sonny and Cher, Disco Fever, and more! Featuring columns by Andy Mangels, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, Scott Shaw, and Mark Voger! Edited by Michael EuryPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

BRICKJOURNAL #85: LEGO minifigures! Customized minifigs by fans, designing the Disney 100 minifigures, spotlight on minifig fan artist Robert8, and more! Plus, all our regular features: Nerding Out with BrickNerd, step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, Bantha Bricks: Fans of LEGO Star Wars, and Minifigure Customization with Jared K. Burks! Edited by Joe MenoPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Bye-by App Store!

A big thanks goes out to all our customers who’ve purchased digital versions of our publications through our App Store apps. Alas, once Apple and Google take their cut, and we pay for regular upkeep with our app provider, it’s simply not profitable enough to continue offering digital purchases through apps. So effective immediately, we’re discontinuing all our apps.

Customers will still have access to previous purchases they made there, but going forward, no new items can be purchased in the apps.

Of course, we’ll continue to offer Digital Editions to our publications directly through our webstore, as downloadable PDF files, and print customers will continue to get access to the corresponding Digital Editions for free as always.

IN PREVIEWS NOW: Alter Ego #189, Back Issue #154, RetroFan #34, Marvel Comics In The EARLY 1960s, and more!

Here’s what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in the latest Diamond Previews catalog! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!

April PREVIEWS: PAGES 400–401
APR241825 ALTER EGO #189 NEW!
APR241826 BACK ISSUE #154 NEW!
APR241828 MARVEL COMICS IN THE EARLY 1960s (Softcover) NEW!

And these items, which are 30% til March 30 at

APR241830 IT CREPT FROM THE TOMB (Softcover)
APR241832 WORKING WITH DITKO (Softcover)

NOW SHIPPING: Back Issue #150 and It Rose From The Tomb!

Back Issue #150 is our oversized 100-Page Super Spectacular sesquicentennial edition, featuring Batmen of the 1970s! Exploring the work of Bronze Age Batman artists Bob Brown, Dick Giordano, Irv Novick, Frank Robbins, Walter Simonson, Alex Toth, & Bernie Wrightson. Plus: revisit Frank Miller’s first Batman story! Edited by Michael Eury. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

It Rose From The Tomb is all-new examination of the 20th Century’s best horror comics! From the pulps and seminal horror comics of the 1940s, through ones they tried to ban in the 1950s, this tome explores how the genre survived the introduction of the Comics Code, before making its terrifying return during the 1960s and 1970s. Written by Peter Normanton. Preview the book, and order your copy here!

Final week to save 30% during TwoMorrows Publishing’s 30th ANNIVERSARY SALE!

Alter Ego, Back Issue, Jack Kirby Collector, and Comic Book Creator are 30% off!
RetroFan also 30% off (first time ever discounted)!
BrickJournal #3-49 are $2.10 each (some digital also!), newer ones 30% off!
Draw! magazines just $3.50 each (some digital also)!
• 30% off in-stock books (several under $10 each)!
Modern Masters books just $4.20 each!
• And most items that were already discounted, get an additional 30% off!

Download our 30th Anniversary updated Catalog here!
Then click on any item to be taken to its ordering page, or go to to order!

Save 30% for 30 days—it’s our 30th Anniversary!

From March 1–30, we’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary with 30% OFF most print items!

Alter Ego #107-185 and Back Issue #101-148 are 30% off!
Kirby Collector #60-88 and Comic Book Creator #5-32 are 30% off!
RetroFan #3-30 are 30% off (first time ever discounted)!
BrickJournal #3-49 are $2.10 each (some digital also!), newer ones 30% off!
Draw! magazines just $3.50 each (some digital also)!
• 30% off in-stock books (several under $10 each)!

Modern Masters books just $4.20 each!
• And most items that were already discounted, get an additional 30% off!

Many back issues and books are close to selling out, so don’t miss what may be your final chance to get them! And all at big savings, with our thanks for keeping us publishing for 30 years! (1994–2024)

NOTE: Sale is on PRINT editions only, and new releases and upcoming items are not included. Digital editions are generally not included (although if you look closely, you will find a few digital items discounted as well). Sale ends at 11:59pm EST on March 30.