Category Archives: TNT

TwoMorrows Publishing is at THREE conventions this week!

What a week for TwoMorrows convention appearances!

Jon B. Cooke (with John Morrow) will be manning the TwoMorrows booth at:
Baltimore Comic-Con
September 8-10, 2023 at the Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland

John Morrow will be manning the RetroFan booth at:
Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Convention
September 7-9, 2023 at the Hunt Valley Delta Marriott, 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland

Featuring celebrity guests:
George Hamilton
Tim Matheson
Joanna Cassidy
Nicholas Hammond
Hal Linden & Max Gail

and many more!

Joe Meno will be manning the BrickJournal booth at:
BrickCon LEGO® Fan Exhibition
September 9-10, 2023 at the Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue, Washington

Come see us at one of these great events!

IN PREVIEWS NOW: Back Issue #149, Comic Book Creator #33, Kirby Collector #89, and more!

See what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in the latest Diamond latest Previews catalog!
All our publications are in the front “Comics & Graphic Novels” section, alphabetically under “TwoMorrows”.

Use the Diamond Order Codes to order at your local comic book shop, or click the covers below to order directly from TwoMorrows! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!

September PREVIEWS: PAGES 388-389
SEP232032 BACK ISSUE #149 NEW!
SEP232036 JOHN SEVERIN: Two-Fisted Comic Book Artist (Hardcover)
SEP232037 MARVEL COMICS IN THE 1970s: Expanded Edition (Softcover)
SEP232038 OLD GODS & NEW: A Companion To Jack Kirby’s Fourth World (Softcover)
SEP232039 REED CRANDALL: Illustrator Of The Comics (Softcover)


Alter Ego back issues are on sale now for $3 each!

Now through September 10, in-stock print issues of Alter Ego #101-159 are just $3 each! A free Digital Edition is included with all print copies! (Separate Digital Editions are sold at full price.)Many are close to selling out, so don’t wait!

Use this link to download an interactive flyer with all the available issues. Then just click on any cover image, and you’ll be automatically taken to its ordering page on our website. Or just visit to order.

The Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics is now shipping!

In 1954, industry legends Joe Simon and Jack Kirby founded Mainline Publications to publish their own comics during that turbulent era in comics history. The four titles—Bullseye, Foxhole, Police Trap, and In Love—looked to build off their reputation as hit makers in the Western, War, Crime, and Romance genres, but the 1950s backlash against comics killed any chance at success, and Mainline closed its doors just two years later. 

For the first time, TwoMorrows Publishing is compiling the best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline comics work, including the Complete Bullseye series, all of the other stories with S&K art, as well as key tales with contributions by Mort Meskin and others!

This collection bridges the gap between Simon & Kirby’s peak with their 1950s romance comics, and the lows that led to Kirby’s resurgence with Challengers of the Unknown and the early Marvel Universe. With loving art restoration by Chris Fama, and an historical overview by John Morrow to put it all into perspective, the Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics presents some of the final, and finest, work Joe and Jack ever produced! Preview the book and order at this link!

The Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics
262-page full-color Hardcover
$49.95 cover price
ISBN: 978-1-60549-118-9
Now shipping from TwoMorrows Publishing

Five (count ’em, 5!) new TwoMorrows magazines are now shipping!

BACK ISSUE #146: Men Without Fear, featuring Daredevil’s swinging ’70s adventures! Plus: Challengers of the Unknown in the Bronze Age, JEPH LOEB interview about his Challs and DD projects with TIM SALE, Sinestro and Mr. Fear histories, superheroes with disabilities, and… Who Is Hal Jordan? Featuring CONWAY, ENGLEHART, MCKENZIE, ROZAKIS, STATON, THOMAS, WOLFMAN, & more! GENE COLAN cover! Edited by MICHAEL EURYPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

ALTER EGO #183: Golden/Silver/Bronze Age artist IRV NOVICK (Shield, Steel Sterling, Batman, The Flash, and DC war stories) is immortalized by JOHN COATES and DEWEY CASSELL. Interviews with Irv and family members, tributes by DENNY O’NEIL and PAUL LEVITZ, Irv’s involvement with painter ROY LICHTENSTEIN (who used Novick’s work in his paintings), Mr. Monster, FCA, and more! Edited by ROY THOMASPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #87: Law & Order! Kirby’s lawmen from the Newsboy Legion’s Jim Harper and “Terrible” Turpin, to Western gunfighters, and even future policemen like OMAC and Captain Victory! Also: how a Marvel cop led to the creation of FUNKY FLASHMAN! Justice Traps The Guilty and Headline Comics! Plus MARK EVANIER moderating 2022’s Kirby Tribute Panel (with Sin City’s FRANK MILLER)MIKE MACHLAN cover inks! Edited by JOHN MORROWPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

RETROFAN #28: The British Invasion of the Sixties, interview with Bond Girl TRINA PARKS, The Mighty Hercules, Horror Hostess MOONA LISA, World’s Greatest Super Friends, TV Guide Fall Previews, the Frito Bandito, a Popeye Super Collector, and more fun, fab features! Featuring columns by ANDY MANGELS, WILL MURRAY, SCOTT SAAVEDRA, SCOTT SHAW, and MARK VOGEREdited by MICHAEL EURY. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

BRICKJOURNAL #81: Head to the LEGO city: Ellis City by GARETH and CATHY ELLIS, New Hasima by Stefan Formentato, and Fabuland City by STEVEN LAUGHLIN! Plus a wealth of other MOCs (”My Own Creations”) are showcased, along with: Nerding Out with BrickNerd, AFOLs by GREG HYLAND, step-by-STEP “You Can Build It” instructions by CHRISTOPHER DECK, and Minifigure Customization with Jared K. Burks! Edited by JOE MENOPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

Visit us at Comic-Con International, booth #1116

Next week, we’ll be set up at Comic-Con International: San Diego for the first time since 2019! Come see us at our new booth #1116 (across from the Golden & Silver Age Pavilion), where we’ll have pre-release copies of:

The Chillingly Weird Art of Matt Fox
Working with Ditko
Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics
Pacific Comics Companion
Alter Ego #183, 184
Back Issue #146, 147
RetroFan #28, 29
Jack Kirby Collector #87

We’ll also have a limited amount of backstock on sale at blowout prices, so get there early for best selection!

Last chance to get TwoMorrows’ books on John Severin, Reed Crandall, and War Comics in digital form

Due to licensing agreements expiring, these titles won’t be sold digitally after July 27:

John Severin: Two-Fisted Comic Book Artist is a spirited biography of EC Comics mainstay (with Harvey Kurtzman on Mad and Two-Fisted Tales) and co-creator of Western strip American Eagle. Covers his 40+ year association with Cracked magazine, his pivotal Marvel Comics work inking Herb Trimpe on The Hulk and teaming with sister Marie Severin on King Kull, and more! With commentary by Neal Adams, Richard Corben, John Byrne, Russ Heath, Walter Simonson, and many others. Preview and order it here!

Reed Crandall: Illustrator of the Comics spotlights the artist who, from the 1940s to the ’70s, brought an illustrator’s approach to comics, gaining a reputation as the “artist’s artist” on Golden Age heroes Doll Man, The Ray, and Blackhawk; horror and sci-fi for EC Comics; Warren Publishing’s Creepy, Eerie, and Blazing Combat; THUNDER Agents, ERB characters, and Flash Gordon. This full-color softcover history of Crandall’s life and career includes never-before-seen photos, a wealth of rare and unpublished artwork, and over eighty thousand words of insight into one of the true illustrators of the comics. Preview and order it here!

Our Artists At War examines War comic books published in the US: EC Comics (Two-Fisted Tales, Frontline Combat), DC Comics (Enemy Ace, All American Men of War, G.I. Combat, Our Fighting Forces, Our Army at War, Star-Spangled War Stories), Warren Publishing (Blazing Combat), Charlton (Willy Schultz and the Iron Corporal) and more! Featuring Kurtzman, Severin, Davis, Wood, Kubert, Glanzman, Kirby, and more! Preview and order it here!

Print copies will still be available (without a free digital edition) after July 27, and existing digital purchasers will still be able to access their digital editions indefinitely. But this is your LAST CHANCE to secure a digital copy (separately, or free with your print copy order)!

TwoMorrows is closed July 3-7

TwoMorrows will be closed the week of July 3-7, and shipping will resume on July 10!

During that time, we will be finalizing our Comic-Con International preparations, including having pre-release copies of these upcoming titles at our new booth location

The Chillingly Weird Art of Matt Fox
Working with Ditko
Best of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics
Pacific Comics Companion
Alter Ego #183, 184
Back Issue #146, 147
RetroFan #28, 29
Jack Kirby Collector #87

We will be at booth #1116, across from the Golden/Silver Age Pavilion. See you there!

Get TwoMorrows’ NEAL ADAMS tributes in BACK ISSUE and ALTER EGO before they sell out!

Back Issue and Alter Ego have teamed up for a double-issue tribute to Neal Adams. But both are close to selling out!

Back Issue #143 is a special tribute issue celebrating Neal’s Bronze Age DC Comics contributions! In-depth Batman and Superman interviews, ‘Green Lantern/Green Arrow’—Fifty Years Later, Neal Adams—Under the Radar, Continuity Associates, a ‘Rough Stuff’ pencil art gallery, Power Records, and more! Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

Alter Ego #181 features in-depth interviews with Neal by Howard Chaykin, Bryan Stroud, and Richard Arndt. Also: a “lost” Adams Brave & The Bold cover with Batman and Green Arrow, Roy Thomas‘ remembrances of working with Neal on Avengers and X-Men, unseen Adams art and artifacts, and more! Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

Due to unprecedented demand, both may sell out soon. Order today!