Our first new releases since the Pandemic are now shipping!
And back issues are 40% off through Labor Day (ends Sept. 8)!
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Back Issue #121 is our Conan and the Barbarians issue, celebrating the 50th anniversary
of Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith’s Conan #1! The Bronze Age Barbarian Boom, Top 50 Marvel Conan stories, Marvel’s Not-Quite Conans (from Kull to Skull), Arak–Son of Thunder, Warlord action figures, Gray Morrow’s Edge of Chaos, and Conan the Barbarian at Dark Horse Comics. Joining Roy Thomas are Kurt Busiek, Ernie Colon, Chuck Dixon, Mike Grell, Ron Randall, Dann Thomas, Timothy Truman, Marv Wolfman, and many more. Featuring the never-before-published alternate cover for Marvel’s Conan #9, from 1971. Edited by Michael Eury.
Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

Alter Ego #165 showcases Martin Goodman, original publisher of Timely/Atlas/Marvel Comics, 1939-1971—with coverage by comics historian Will Murray. With art and artifacts by the likes of Lee, Kirby, Ditko, Romita, Maneely, Buscema, Everett, Burgos, Gustavson, Schomburg, Colan, Adams, Steranko, and many others! Plus FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America)—Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt with still more on Pete Morisi—John Broome—and plenty of other stuff! Cover painting by Drew Friedman! Edited by Roy Thomas.
Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

Comic Book Creator #23 showcases a remarkable and revealing interview with comics pioneer and the artist extraordinaire of ElfQuest, Wendy Pini, about her difficult early years and escape to a creative life through fantasy fiction, adventure cartoons, Marvel Comics, and dance. We also talk to Richard Pini, ElfQuest co-creator, about their nearly 48-year marriage and their even-older creative partnership! Delayed from last issue, we present the final segment of our interview with Craig Yoe, as we visit his New York abode to talk about his work on The Muppets and friendship with legendary Jim Henson, his career-changing book, The Art of Mickey Mouse, and current Yoe Books imprint. We also talk with Larry Koster, onetime Gil Kane boyhood friend and business partner, about publishing His Name Is… Savage and other adventures with the raconteur comic book artist. Plus Michael Aushenker chats with the great Pablo Marcos about his awesome Marvel horror work and so much more! And the wonderful Fred Hembeck rounds things up! Edited by Jon B. Cooke.
Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

RetroFan #10 (now bi-monthly!) celebrates fifty years of Shaft—can you dig it? Plus: interviews with Family Affair’s Kathy Garver and The Brady Bunch Variety Hour’s Geri “Fake Jan” Reischl, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, rare Godzillamerchandise, Spaghetti Westerns, Saturday morning cartoon preview specials, fake presidential candidates, Spider-Man/The Spider parallels, Stuckey’s, and more fun, fab features! Featuring columns by Ernest Farino, Andy Mangels, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, and Scott Shaw! Edited by Michael Eury.
Preview the issue, and order your copy here!

BrickJournal #63, the magazine for Lego® enthusiasts, goes under the sea to visit Ryan Van Duzor’s Coral Reef, sails over to Hawaii to visit the many creations of Colin Hemmen’s Brickiverse, and then flies to Hollywood to take a look at John Klapheke’s scenes from the Indiana Jones movies! Plus: “AFOLs” by cartoonist Greg Hyland, step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, BrickNerd’s DIY Fan Art with Tommy Williamson, Minifigure Customization with Jared K. Burks, and more! Edited by Joe Meno.
Preview the issue, and order your copy here!