In Alter Ego #172, Alfredo Alcala is celebrated for his dreamscape work on Savage Sword of Conan and other work for Marvel, DC, and Warren, as well as his own barbarian creation Voltar, as Rich Arndt interviews his sons Alfred and Christian! Also: FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, Peter Normanton’s horror history From The Tomb, John Broome, and more! Edited by Roy Thomas.
Jack Kirby Collector #81 features “Kirby: Beta!” Jack’s experimental ideas, characters, and series (Fighting American, Jimmy Olsen, Kamandi, and others), early Stan Lee and Jack Kirby interviews, mysteries behind the creation of the Hulk and Magneto, ideas that needed more thought, 2019 Heroes Con panel (with Mark Evanier, Mike Royer, Jim Amash, and Rand Hoppe), a pencil art gallery, unused Jimmy Olsen #141 cover, and more! Edited by John Morrow.
Our Artists At War examines War comic books published in the US: EC Comics (Two-Fisted Tales, Frontline Combat), DC Comics (Enemy Ace, All American Men of War, G.I. Combat, Our Fighting Forces, Our Army at War, Star-Spangled War Stories), Warren Publishing (Blazing Combat), Charlton (Willy Schultz and the Iron Corporal) and more! Featuring Kurtzman, Severin, Davis, Wood, Kubert, Glanzman, Kirby, an introduction by Roy Thomas, and more! By Richard Arndt and Steven Fears.
All three will be in stores on Wednesday, December 15, and are now shipping from TwoMorrows!