Back Issue #126 is a “Legacy” issue, starring Wally West as the Flash! Featuring a Brandon Routh Superman interview, Harry Osborn/Green Goblin, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Infinity Inc., the Reign of the Supermen, and the John Romita Legacy(with a bonus Romita Sr. and Jr. Rough Stuff feature). With Jon Bogdanove, Gerry Conway, Matt Fraction, Tom Grummett, Geoff Johns, Dan Jurgens, Karl Kesel, David Michelinie, Jerry Ordway, Sandy Plunkett, Roger Stern, Roy Thomas, Mark Waid, and many other superstar creators. Flash cover by Mike Wieringo and Jose Marzan Jr. Edited by Michael Eury.
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Holy backstage pass! RetroFan #14 features rare, behind-the-scenes photos of many of your favorite Sixties TV shows! Plus: a vintage interview with Green Hornet Van Williams, Bigfoot on Saturday morning television, TV’s Zoorama and the San Diego Zoo, The Saint, the lean years of Star Trek fandom, the WrestleFest video game, TV tie-in toys no kid would want, and more fun, fab features! Featuring columns by Ernest Farino, Andy Mangels, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, and Scott Shaw! Edited by Michael Eury.
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BrickJournal #67, the magazine for LEGO® enthusiasts, heads into Spring with an introduction to Tom Gerardin’s LEGO best friends Billy and Charlie, takes of a tour of Disneyland Paris’ Sleeping Beauty Castle by Dario Del Frates, and visits some more theme parks with Bill Vollbrecht! Plus: “AFOLs” by cartoonist Greg Hyland, step-by-step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, Minifigure Customization by Jared K. Burks, and more! Edited by Joe Meno.
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