Last chance to get TwoMorrows’ books on John Severin, Reed Crandall, and War Comics in digital form

Due to licensing agreements expiring, these titles won’t be sold digitally after July 27:

John Severin: Two-Fisted Comic Book Artist is a spirited biography of EC Comics mainstay (with Harvey Kurtzman on Mad and Two-Fisted Tales) and co-creator of Western strip American Eagle. Covers his 40+ year association with Cracked magazine, his pivotal Marvel Comics work inking Herb Trimpe on The Hulk and teaming with sister Marie Severin on King Kull, and more! With commentary by Neal Adams, Richard Corben, John Byrne, Russ Heath, Walter Simonson, and many others. Preview and order it here!

Reed Crandall: Illustrator of the Comics spotlights the artist who, from the 1940s to the ’70s, brought an illustrator’s approach to comics, gaining a reputation as the “artist’s artist” on Golden Age heroes Doll Man, The Ray, and Blackhawk; horror and sci-fi for EC Comics; Warren Publishing’s Creepy, Eerie, and Blazing Combat; THUNDER Agents, ERB characters, and Flash Gordon. This full-color softcover history of Crandall’s life and career includes never-before-seen photos, a wealth of rare and unpublished artwork, and over eighty thousand words of insight into one of the true illustrators of the comics. Preview and order it here!

Our Artists At War examines War comic books published in the US: EC Comics (Two-Fisted Tales, Frontline Combat), DC Comics (Enemy Ace, All American Men of War, G.I. Combat, Our Fighting Forces, Our Army at War, Star-Spangled War Stories), Warren Publishing (Blazing Combat), Charlton (Willy Schultz and the Iron Corporal) and more! Featuring Kurtzman, Severin, Davis, Wood, Kubert, Glanzman, Kirby, and more! Preview and order it here!

Print copies will still be available (without a free digital edition) after July 27, and existing digital purchasers will still be able to access their digital editions indefinitely. But this is your LAST CHANCE to secure a digital copy (separately, or free with your print copy order)!