Yearly Archives: 2007

The Kirby Collector begins!

I’m liable to be a bit slow posting to this forum over the next three weeks or so, as I’m in the midst of what I affectionately refer to as “Kirby Hell.” It’s that exhilarating, but demanding, and occasionally frustrating time every three months or so, when I try fruitlessly to put aside my day-to-day tasks of running TwoMorrows, to work on the new issue of The Jack Kirby Collector (in this case, #48, cover shown here).

Don’t get me wrong; doing TJKC is still the highlight of my worklife. Each issue I produce is something that is so satisfying, I wish I could do nothing but this. Alas, it doesn’t pay the bills, and so my labor of love often gets pushed aside for more menial tasks, like cutting checks to our printer and contributors, and making sure Diamond Distributors has enough copies of our stuff to fill their orders.

Anyway, as time permits, I’ll try to use this blog to give you fine folks an idea of the day-to-day process of putting together an issue of TJKC, and give sneak peeks at some of the art. It’s generally a three-to-four week process from start to finish on an issue, which is considerably less than it used to be, thanks to having so much art scanned and archived. (It does vary though, depending on how many other things keep me from working on it.) As it stands now, I’ve got all the articles, and all but one of our columns in. Also, I’ve got a wealth of great Kirby art, much of it already scanned, accumulated through years of doing the mag, and from the wonderful Kirby Pencil Archives on loan to me from the Kirby family.

Stay tuned!

Post-Wondercon wrap-up

Been a busy week here at TwoMorrows, with non-stop deadlines, particularly in light of Chris Irving being gone to Wondercon for the last few days. The con went great, and thanks to our many loyal readers who stopped by our booth to chat and pick up the newest copies of ours stuff. We’d sold out of many of our items by opening time on Saturday morning, and ended up giving out all the copies of our new catalog we’d brought with us.


By all accounts, our new issue of Back Issue (#21) is a big hit, as copies almost literally flew off the table as fast as Chris could unbox them. Traffic was steady the entire show, and downright hectic at many points, so this is definitely becoming a show we’ll consider attending every year. Thanks to the great folks from Comicon International for putting on such a smooth-running event. See ya next year!

Wondercon is on!

Our noble production assistant Christopher Irving is currently in lovely San Francisco, CA manning booth #913 at Wondercon, and having a blast! If you’re at the con, be sure to stop by and make sure he’s working hard.

And if you’ve got some Kirby art in your collection, bring it by our booth for Jack Kirby Museum honcho Rand Hoppe to scan. He’s collecting images of originals for the museum’s digital collection, and he’s brought a honkin’ big 11″ x 17″ scanner to our booth, so he can accommodate your original art pages.

We’ve got copies of Modern Masters Volume 11: Charles Vess and Back Issue #21 at the booth, hot off the press. Plus, we’ve got a full preview copy of Comics 101, our Free Comic Book Day offering for this year. So what are you doing reading this?! Get over there now!

Thanks to John and Lin Modica for helping out at the booth, and for feeding Chris a home-cooked meal Thursday night. John used to be a tour guide for the SF area, and took my wife Pam and I on a really fascinating walking tour of the city when we were there for the con several years ago; what a great city!

Pete Von Sholly Cartoon of the Week


If you find Pete’s warped sense of humor as captivating as I do, you can’t go wrong with the Von Sholly Bundle, containing Comic Book Nerd, his parody of the comics fan press (including the TwoMorrows line), plus both  issues of his Crazy Hip Groovy Go-Go Way Out Monsters spoof of old monster mags. Check ’em out!

Catalog typo


In our new catalog, you may have seen listed a book called Mego 8″ Super-Heroes: World’s Greatest Toys! This is one stunning, full-color book, already being hailed by such pros as Brad Meltzer and Chip Kidd for its graphic design, and obsessive coverage of the Mego toy line of the 1970s and ’80s. Remember our Captain Action book of a few years ago? Picture it on steroids, and you’ve got it!

However, in our new catalog, we have a typo on the price. The retail price is $49.95 for this hardcover ($54 postpaid in the US). Just wanted to get the word out; it should be listed correctly in Previews when it ships this Fall.

More NY

Yep, the Blue Beetle was at our New York Comicon booth as promised! Chris .R. Notarile, fan filmmaker extraordinare, is in the BB costume, and needed some company at the NY con. So Christopher Irving, author of our upcoming Blue Beetle Companion book, threw on the Flash costume. (But hey, shouldn’t BB be hanging out with Booster Gold?)

We just got the word yesterday that the Blue Beetle Companion has cleared DC Comics’ legal department, so it heads off to press this week. Should be in stores by March 28. Lots of really cool historical stuff in there, and will be a fascinating read for anyone interested in comics history.



They may not be as pretty as Rachel, Ross, and the others from the hit sitcom, but I’ve got my own batch of really special friends, that are the absolute best perk of doing this publishing thing. When I was unable to make it to the New York Comicon literally at the last minute (don’t ask!), all the (very expensive) plans we’d made for the show could’ve crumbled, if not for the able assistance of my buds who were there.

First is rambunctious Rand Hoppe, who’s been our webmaster since the beginning, and is head of the Jack Kirby Museum. With the help of capable Chris Irving (and Chris’ buddy Chris. R. Notarile), all our boxes of books made it to our booth, and both Rand and Chris helped out the whole weekend. Then, gorgeous George Khoury (shown above, looking sharp) filled in for me all three days, fearlessly fielding non-stop questions from our legion of fans who wondered, among other things, where Roy Thomas was (Roy was a last-minute no-show as well).
Not to be forgotten is awesome Adam McGovern, who subbed for me at the Marvel Bullpen panel, and—by all accounts—did a great job tossing out questions to Stan Lee, Joe Sinnott, Gene Colan, and Flo Steinberg.

So thanks to these gracious gents, a potential disaster was averted, and the convention was a marked success for TwoMorrows. I am eternally grateful to all of them for saving TwoMorrows’ hash in a tight spot. I’m really sorry I missed the show, as everyone I’ve talked to had a great time. But we’ll see you there next year for sure!

Now just one question; who was that “Flash” that was hanging out at our booth on Saturday?


NY Signings

If you’ll be in the Big Apple for the New York Comicon this weekend, be sure to stop by our booth (#975) and meet our editors. Here’s the signing schedule for Saturday:

Noon-1pm: Roy Thomas
1-2pm: Danny Fingeroth
2-3pm: Bob McLeod
3-4pm: Mike Manley

I’ll be at the booth most of the time Friday-Sunday, except on Saturday from 4-5pm, when I’ll be moderating this panel:

NYCC’S Behind the Panels: The 60’s Marvel Bullpen
Saturday, 4:00:00 PM in Room 1E12/13.
Under the direction of Stan Lee, Marvel Comics in the 1960s was one of the most remarkable creative workplaces in the history of the medium. Now join Stan Lee, Marie Severin, Roy Thomas, Ralph Macchio and Gene Colan for a look back at what the classic bullpen was really like, in a lively panel hosted by John Morrow.

And don’t be surprised if the Blue Beetle makes a special appearance at our booth, to help promote our upcoming book The Blue Beetle Companion. Will it be the Dan Garrett version? The Ted Kord version? Or DC’s newest incarnation? Stop by on Saturday and see!

Pete Von Sholly Cartoon of the Week

I normally post these on Friday, but I’ll be in New York the rest of this week, so here’s one Pete likes to call:

Ambition, but not much imagination…

If you love Pete’s work like I do, don’t forget we’re now offering a Von Sholly Bundle, containing Comic Book Nerd, his parody of the comics fan press (including the TwoMorrows line), plus both hilarious issues of his Crazy Hip Groovy Go-Go Way Out Monsters spoof of old monster mags. You’ll get one CHGGGWOM free, so save some money, and start laughing today!

Just confirmed at Emerald City Comicon

We’ll be exhibiting at this year’s Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, WA on March 31-April 1. So fans in the Northwest, get ready, as Christopher Irving will be manning our booth for us (and loony-bin escapee Tom Stewart will be on hand to help out).


Also there will be Back Issue magazine editor Michael Eury (also writer of some of our best “Companion” books, and the soon-to-be-released Comics Gone Ape!, currently in the final design stages by my lovely and sick-of-looking-at-monkeys wife Pam). Michael will be set-up over in Artist’s Alley, so there’ll be two spots to get your back issues of Back Issue.

The con is really growing, and this year’s guest list is spectacular! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there. Here’s a link for more info on the con.