Check out what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in Diamond’s latest Previews catalog! All our publications are now in the front “Comics & Graphic Novels” section, alphabetically in the “TwoMorrows” section (except for LEGO items, which are under “Lego” in the Magazine section). Use the Diamond Order Codes to order at your local comic book shop, or click the links below to pre-order directly from TwoMorrows at 15% off! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!

A full-color hardcover celebration of comics: 1976-1986, by George KHOURY
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: MAR161774

Spotlighting Bronze Age Adaptations, edited by Michael EURY
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: MAR161773

LEGO Mecha Returns, edited by Joe MENO
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: MAR162034
American Comic Book Chronicles: 1965-69
A pivotal volume of this hardcover comics history series
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: DEC131299
Modern Masters: Mark Schultz
An in-depth biography of the Xenozoic artist
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: NOV131253
Lou Scheimer: Creating the Filmation Generation
Discover how all your Filmation favorites came to life
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: NOV131252
Marie Severin: The Mirthful Mistress of Comics
Biography of the first lady of comics
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: MAY121304
Hawkman Companion
The complete history of all the Hawks
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: AUG084336
Collected Jack Kirby Collector, Volume 6
Reprinting Jack Kirby Collector magazine #23-26, plus new material
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: JUN084280
Minifigure Customization 2
Second volume detailing how to customize LEGO minifigs
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: FEB141619
You Can Build It, Book 2
Intermediate level LEGO building instructions
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: FEB121565
Also available this month:
The Flash Companion (MAY084165)
American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1950s (MAY131285)
American Comic Book Chronicles: 1960-1964 (AUG121321)
American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1970s (MAY141628)
American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1980s (NOV121322)
Collected Jack Kirby Collector, Volume 7 (DEC084286)
Modern Masters: Bruce?Timm (MAY121305)
Modern Masters: Frank Cho (JUL091086)
You can download a PDF file of our current Previews ad (listing all our items in the March Previews catalog) by clicking THIS LINK!