3–2–1–It’s official! RetroFan #1 has launched!

Michael Eury’s new mag RetroFan #1 is now shipping!

Celebrate the crazy, cool culture we grew up with in RetroFan! Michael Eury’s new quarterly magazine on 1960s, ’70s, & ’80s pop culture features celebrity columnists from all areas of fandom: Toys, comics, horror and monsters, television, and film—we cover it all in RetroFan!

RetroFan #1 features an all-new interview with Lou Ferrigno! The Phantom in Hollywood! Filmation’s Star Trek cartoon! “How I Met the Wolf Man: Lon Chaney, Jr.”! Goofy comic book Zody the Mod Rob! Mego’s rare Elastic Hulk toy! RetroTravel to Mount Airy, NC (the real-life Mayberry) for an interview with Betty Lynn (“Thelma Lou” of The Andy Griffith Show) and Andy Griffith Show collectibles! Plus inside super-collector Tom Stewart’s eclectic House of Collectibles, a Too Much TV Quiz, and a shout-out to Mr. Microphone!

Preview and order here!
84 full-color pages, $8.95 US cover price.

Subscribe here!

Order now from your local comic book shop using Diamond Order Code: MAR181967

Issue #1 is also available on Amazon here!

Look for it in Barnes & Noble stores, and other newsstands in early July.

(And get ready for issue #2 (cover-featuring Elvira, Mistress of the Dark) in September, and issue #3 (with a spotlight interview with Superman: The Movie director Richard Donner) in December!)