Alter Ego #178 is now shipping from TwoMorrows (and LAST CHANCE to get our Marie Severin book)!

Alter Ego #178 features Golden Age great Emil Gershwin, artist of Starman, Spy Smasher, and ACG horror – in a super-length special Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt by Michael T. Gilbert—plus a Gershwin showcase in Peter Normanton’s From The Tomb—even a few tidbits about relatives George and Ira Gershwin to top it off! Also FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), and other surprise features! Edited by Roy ThomasPreview the issue, and order your copy here!

And it’s your LAST CHANCE to get Marie Severin: The Mirthful Mistress of Comics, our Eisner Award-nominated book remembering “The First Lady of Comics!” who colored the legendary EC Comics line, and spent thirty years working for Marvel Comics, doing everything from production and coloring to penciling, inking, and art direction. This book WILL SELL OUT THIS WEEK, so preview and order it here!