Filmation’s LOU SCHEIMER book is FINALLY ready

There’s been a few titles that we announced for publication, but then got plagued by a variety of snags which delayed their release. One of the most-delayed was LOU SCHEIMER: CREATING THE FILMATION GENERATION, about the co-founder of Filmation Studios, which produced so many of the cartoons and live shows I grew up on: Archies, Batman, Groovy Ghoulies, Star Trek, Shazam! and Isis, He-Man, and others.

First announced in 2007, not the least of the troubles with this book was the repeated sales of the Filmation rights to new companies, which required new approvals each time. But I’m thrilled to announce that the book is FINALLY printed, on the way here, and will ship November 7.

The delay resulted in a much larger book than we originally planned; a whopping 288 pages, with many in color. If you grew up on Lou’s shows, believe me, it’s $29.95 well spent. And don’t be surprised if, like me, you get a little teary-eyed when you read the final chapter.

Preview link is HERE.

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