Free samples!

Right now, you can try the most recent issues of all our magazines for FREE!

We’ve just added 7 new FREE Digital Editions to our website, so you can sample a FULL ISSUE of each of our magazines, to try out “going digital,” or to see what you’ve been missing in our recent print issues! (For instance, we’ve just added FULL-COLOR pages to both Alter Ego and Back Issue, so take a look at how much that adds to these already fantastic mags!)

These are full-color PDF files, viewable on any computer (using Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader software, available here), or on an iPad or other portable device that reads PDF files.

These new issues have just been added for FREE downloading:

Alter Ego #94
Back Issue #41
BrickJournal #10
Draw #18
Jack Kirby Collector #54
Rough Stuff #12
Write Now #20

Just got to the “FREE STUFF” section of our website and start enjoying these FULL-COLOR, COMPLETE PDF issues:

And while you’re there, you can download FREE catalogs as well; they’re fully interactive, so if you see something you want to order, just click on the item, and it’ll take you to the page on our website to order it.