Comic Book Fever is spreading like wildfire! Our long-in-the-works book on comics from 1976-86 is 100% finished, and goes to press as soon as we get orders from Diamond. Look for the Spotlight on it in the new issue of PREVIEWS, Item # MAR161774, and reserve your copy now.
Author George Khoury has been making the rounds doing interviews about it, including these:
Comic Book Page podcast “Pick of the Month” (at the 1:42 mark)
Another interview with George at 13thdimenion.com, where they recommend the book as “the Bible of the post-Baby Boom”
George penned an article for the Sports Collectors Daily website, focusing on Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali (a big part of Comic Book Fever’s era)
The Westfield Comics interview with George
Kevin Eastman (of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) can’t wait for it
Den Of Geek has it on their radar
The MEGO Museum message boards are ablaze with love for the book
And you can link up with George and other like-minded fans on the CBF Facebook page