New Kirby Collector ships today (can you believe it’s 70 issues now?!)

AE49 Trial Cover.qxd

Hard for me to believe that, today, we’re shipping issue #70 of The Jack Kirby Collector. Time’s blown by since I was standing at my local Eckerd Drugs store, hand-xeroxing 125 copies of the first issue of my humble little 16-page fanzine. We’ve come a long way from there, but based on the number of longtime customers and comments we have, I think the love and commitment of those early years is still going strong in TJKC.

#70 is the first half of a two-part theme: KIRBY: ALPHA (#70) on beginnings in Kirby’s work, and KIRBY: OMEGA (#71) on endings in the Kirbyverse. You can preview #70 HERE.

And I’m hard at work wrapping #71 to go to press by the end of this month, so we can keep these issues coming out on time. Great things are coming in Kirbyland for Jack’s 100th Birthday this summer, so stay tuned!