Author Archives: Mr. Morrow

The late Mark Alexander’s labor of love: THE WONDER YEARS

On Dec. 28 (holiday shipping crunch willing), we’ll be releasing LEE & KIRBY: THE WONDER YEARS. It’s really the 58th issue of my mag, The Jack Kirby Collector, but done as a 160-page squarebound edition this one time.

The whole book is written by Mark Alexander, a longtime TJKC contributor and friend, who died last June, just weeks after handing in the final manuscript to me. I hate that he didn’t get to see the final product in printed form, because I know how hard he worked on it. Heck, I know how hard I worked on the layout for it, trying to capture a lot of what Mark and I discussed for the end product. It’s a book I’m extremely proud of, and I think Mark would be as well.

It’s at the printer now, and since this is the 50th anniversary of the Fantastic Four’s debut, I wanted to make sure it was out before 2011 drew to a close. It should just make it under the wire.

The usual: a free PDF preview is HERE. And you can order HERE. Regular Kirby Collector subscribers get it as part of their subscription, but it counts as two issues due to its double-size.

Please give it a look. Mark and I both thought it was an exceptional publication, and I hope you’ll agree.

12 Sales of Christmas!

We’re offering 60-75% off on 12 select items at our webstore, but only through December 19. These great last minute gift items are priced from $5-10, and include:

Comic Book Podcast Companion: only $5
(normally $15.95, save $10.95)

Streetwise: only $5
(normally $19.95, save $14.95)

Modern Masters: In the Studio with Michael Golden DVD: only $10
(normally $29.95, save $24.95)

Nick Cardy: Behind the Art: only $10
(normally $34.95, save $24.95)

I Have To Live With This Guy!: only $5
(normally $19.95, save $14.95)

Best of Write Now: only $5
(normally $19.95, save $14.95)

Comics Introspective: Peter Bagge: only $5
(normally $16.95, save $11.95)

Superheroes In My Pants!: only $5
(normally $12.95, save $7.95)

Comics Gone Ape!: only $5
(normally $16.95, save $11.95)

Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. 3: only $10
(normally $24.95, save $14.95)

Alter Ego: Best of the Legendary Comics Fanzine: only $5
(normally $21.95, save $16.95)

Comics Above Ground: only $5
(normally $19.95, save $14.95)


NOTE: For the best chance of delivery in the US by Christmas, you MUST select PRIORITY MAIL shipping, and order by Dec. 19. (Outside the US? Sorry, no guarantee of delivery by December 24, but you can still order at these great discounts.)

Quantities at this price are limited. Orders must be placed online at to receive this sale price. Depending on the volume of orders, some items may temporarily run out of stock before Christmas, and have to be shipped in early January. We will notify you by e-mail if an item will be delayed.

TwoMorrows Publishing will be closed from December 20-January 6, and any items ordered during that time will ship the week of January 9. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Get some real Quality in your comics reading

After months of exhaustive research and planning, today the QUALITY COMPANION book was released. It’s a 288-page in-depth look (thick as a phone book!) at the forgotten publisher of Plastic Man and all those other classic heroes that DC Comics acquired from Quality Comics to become the Freedom Fighters. It contains 64 full-color pages of reprints of classic stories by Lou Fine, Will Eisner, Reed Crandall, and others, plus tons of behind-the-scenes info on one of the top publishers of the 1940s (and it’s written by Mike Kooiman and Alter Ego’s Jim Amash, so you know it’s awesome!).

You can download a free preview here.

CYBER SALE AT TWOMORROWS! Now through December 5, BOOKS and DVDs are 50% OFF!

Just in time for holiday shopping, we’re making our large selection of award-winning books on comics and LEGO available at 50% off cover price! That’s less than you’ll find them at or bookstores, but this offer is available for TWO WEEKS ONLY at Customers can choose from over 100 titles, including:

• Artist biographies
• Companion books
• Modern Masters books & DVDs
• Comics history volumes
• “How-to” resources and DVDs
• Jack Kirby books
• BrickJournal Compendiums (for LEGO enthusiastists)
and more!

To order from the full list of titles, go to:

This offer applies to online orders for most in-stock print books (with free Digital Edition included where applicable).

This offer is for BOOKS ONLY (not magazines), and does not include new and pre-order items, which are still on sale for 15% off cover price.

Some titles are in low stock, so don’t delay! Order at

Back Issue #53—full color, and the logo on the bottom!

Yeah, the Walter Simonson cover for Back Issue #53 was so gorgeous, we couldn’t bear to shrink it down or cover up the top to accommodate the logo, so we moved it to the bottom. Good call? You decide!

In any case, #53 is all about “Gods”, and editor Michael Eury takes an in-depth look at WALTER SIMONSON’s THOR, and the Thunder God in the Bronze Age with a TOM DeFALCO/RON FRENZ “Pro2Pro” interview. Plus it covers Hercules—Prince of Power, Moondragon, Three Ways to End the New Gods Saga, and an exclusive interview with fantasy writer MICHAEL MOORCOCK. Check out the preview HERE!

It’ll be in stores on Wednesday, December 7, but you can preorder it in Print or Digital Edition now at our website.

Take a spin through the Stan Lee Universe!

THE STAN LEE UNIVERSE is NOW SHIPPING from TwoMorrows, and should be in comic book stores either tomorrow, or next Wednesday, Nov. 23. It’s full of interviews with and mementos about Stan, including PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE between Stan and such prominent figures as: JAMES CAMERON, OLIVER STONE, RAY BRADBURY, DENIS KITCHEN, ALAIN RESNAIS and (Sinatra lyricist and pal) SAMMY CAHN. Of special interest are transcripts of 1960s RADIO INTERVIEWS with Stan during the early Marvel era (one co-featuring JACK KIRBY, and one with Stan debating Dr. Fredric Wertham’s partner)! There’s also plot, script, and balloon placements from the 1978 SILVER SURFER GRAPHIC NOVEL, with notes from Lee and Kirby, plus other cool stuff. And it’s co-edited by ROY THOMAS and DANNY FINGEROTH, a couple of guys TwoMorrows readers just might’ve heard of.

It’s available in Softcover and Hardcover, and in stock now for ordering HERE.

And you can check out a sneak peek HERE.

Help us build a physical JACK KIRBY MUSEUM in NEW YORK CITY!

Dear Jack Kirby fans,
As the founder of TwoMorrows Publishing, I understand the importance of starting small and dreaming big. From a xeroxed 16-page Jack Kirby fanzine in 1994, I’ve gone on to publish nearly 60 issues of the ongoing Jack Kirby Collector magazine, as well as other publications devoted to Kirby and his legacy. In addition to my duties as publisher at TwoMorrows, I am proud to be a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center.

The Jack Kirby Museum, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational corporation, was established in 2005 with the blessing of the Kirby family. The Museum’s overall efforts are focused on promoting the study of Jack Kirby and his work, and educating the general public about his artistic legacy. Our website ( features scholarly articles, galleries of Kirby’s work, and regularly updated Kirby-related blogs. The Museum also is building an archive with high resolution scans of more than 1700 pages of original Kirby art, plus thousands of pages of personal documents, photocopies of Jack’s pencil work, and other artifacts from Kirby’s life and career. The Museum’s physical Kirby art collection continues to grow, and we’ve had a presence at a number of comic book conventions and participated in panels, lectures, and discussions dedicated to Jack and related subjects, such as creator’s rights.

Inspired by recent events, most notably the legal battle between the Kirby family and Marvel/Disney regarding ownership of Jack’s work, we believe that it’s time for the Jack Kirby Museum to step out of the digital realm and into the physical. We intend to open a physical space on the Lower East Side of New York City, in the same neighborhood where Kirby grew up. Economic realities being what they are, this initial effort will be a “Pop-Up” space of approximately 1,000 square feet that will remain open for roughly three months. Having such a space in one of New York City’s most vibrant neighborhoods will allow us to showcase educational programs, lectures, exhibits and more to pay tribute to one of the greatest storytellers of the 20th Century. We are already reaching out to art collectors and educators in anticipation of opening. Our target for seed money to support basic rent, legal, insurance, and general expenses for the space is $30,000. Once we reach that goal, we’ll raise more funds for specific exhibits and programs as well, and move toward our ultimate goal of opening a permanent museum location.

Given the Jack Kirby Museum’s mission, we would be honored to have your support for our “Brick and Mortar Fund.” To raise the needed funds for a physical museum, we wondered: Could we find 1000 Kirby fans to donate $30 each? Or maybe 500 Kirby fans to donate $60? Even better, how about 100 Kirby fans to donate $300 each? Whatever donation you can make, as soon as we reach that $30,000 goal, we’ll be on our way towards a real, true, physical Jack Kirby Museum.

Everyone who donates $20 or more will have free admission to the Pop-Up Museum. If you’re already a Museum Member, a donation of $20 or more allows you to bring a friend for free. (And every donor, regardless of the amount, will receive some great Kirby Museum postcards and stickers.)

Please, if you’re interested in supporting this effort, head over to the Kirby Museum website. On the right side of home page is a graphic that, when clicked, will present you with a secure form to make a donation to the Brick & Mortar fund, using any major credit card or Paypal. Or, you can send a check to Jack Kirby Museum, PO Box 5236, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Your donation may even be tax-deductible. (Please consult your tax advisor or accountant.)

Thanks for your kind attention to this message. With your help, a physical Jack Kirby Museum will soon be a reality. If you have any questions about the Museum and its future aims, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Warm Regards,

John Morrow
Founding Trustee
Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center


After a few days with our Internet connection down, and a month dealing with shipping the tremendous number of orders that came in during our 40% off sale, we’re now as caught up as we ever get around Casa de Dos Morrows. If you ordered during the last week of October, we were several days behind on shipping all those sale orders, but you should be getting your order in the mail any day now.

We’re still way behind on email (not like that ever changes), and working overtime to get new publications to press for shipping before the New Year, but thanks for everyone’s patience lately.

Shipping now is Back Issue #52 (in full-color!).

Shipping in the next week or so? The STAN LEE UNIVERSE and BrickJournal #16. (Just waiting on the final delivery schedule from our shipper.)

Going to press this week and next? The Quality Companion (it’s a hum-dinger of a book), Back Issue #53, BrickJournal #17, and Kirby Collector #58 (entitled “Lee & Kirby: The Wonder Years”). If all goes well, you’ll see these for the holidays. Never a dull moment around here for sure, and I’ll be scrambling to get it all done from now till end of November.

And yes, to all who’ve asked, we will be offering some kind of sale on BOOKS in late November, so we can work off all those extra calories we’ll be consuming at Thanksgiving by packing dozens of shipments daily till we’re back down to fighting trim. Details are still being worked out, but the sale should be available in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping; I hate going to shopping malls, so this’ll hopefully give you a simpler way to spend all your hard-earned holiday cash. 🙂

Tom Ziuko update

Remember a few months back, when our regular TwoMorrows colorist (and longime DC/Marvel colorist) Tom Ziuko was battling kidney failure (due to a long string of medical incompetence, and not anything related to his genetics or lifestyle)? Well, he’s still dealing with the ramifications of such a long hospitalization and recovery period, and can still use our help. You can hear it in Tom’s own words at the HERO INITIATIVE website, where I hope you’ll make a donation to help Tom and other comics greats like him.