I was delighted to be interviewed for the Dollar Bin Bandits podcast a short while ago, and it airs today here.

I was delighted to be interviewed for the Dollar Bin Bandits podcast a short while ago, and it airs today here.
Congratulations to JON B. COOKE and ROY THOMAS for their just-announced 2023 Eisner Award nominations! Their tireless efforts have resulted in these three accolades:
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism:
• Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
• Comic Book Creator, edited by Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
Best Comics-Related Book:
• The Charlton Companion, by Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows
Yep, Jon and Roy are gonna duke it out for Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism, and possibly split the vote (the curse of them making TwoMorrows look good by documenting so much great comics history!). But it truly is an honor just to be nominated! And all modesty aside, as publisher, I, John Morrow, knew the Charlton Companion was a shoo-in for a nomination; I mean, have you SEEN that book? If not, take a gander at its awesomeness here.
The full list of nominees for all categories can be found here. And the winners will be announced on Friday, July 21 at the gala ceremony held during Comic-Con International in San Diego.
If you’re not sure whether you are eligible to vote, here’s the details, per the Eisner committee: Voting for the awards is being held online using a two-step process. The first step is for prospective voters to apply at https://https://form.jotform.com/230927489799177. After filling out the form, eligible voters will be invited to go to the ballot and cast their votes. Those who previously registered will automatically be invited to fill out the new ballot. All professionals in the comic book industry are eligible to vote. The deadline for voting is June 9. New voters must have registered by June 2 in order to be invited to the ballot. Questions about the voting process should be sent to the Eisner Awards administrator, Jackie Estrada at jackie@comic-con.org
Jack Kirby Collector #86: Kirby Comparisons! Analysis of unused vs. known Kirby covers and art, Barry Windsor-Smith on his stylizations in Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles, Kirby’s incorporation of real-life images in his work, Will Murray’s conversations with top pros just after Jack’s passing, unused Mister Miracle cover inked by Walter Simonson, and more! Edited by John Morrow. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
Destroyer Duck Graphite Edition: In the 1980s, writer Steve Gerber was embroiled in a lawsuit against Marvel Comics over ownership of his creation Howard The Duck. To raise funds for legal fees, Gerber asked Jack Kirby to contribute to a benefit comic titled Destroyer Duck. Without hesitation, Kirby (who was in his own dispute with Marvel at the time) donated his services for the first issue, and the duo took aim at their former employer in an outrageous five-issue run. With biting satire and guns blazing, Duke “Destroyer” Duck battled the thinly veiled Godcorp (whose infamous credo was “Grab it all! Own it all! Drain it all!”), its evil leader Ned Packer and the (literally) spineless Booster Cogburn, Medea (a parody of Daredevil’s Elektra), and more! Now, all five Gerber/Kirby issues are collected—but relettered and reproduced from Jack’s unbridled, uninked pencil art! Also included are select examples of Alfredo Alcala’s unique inking style over Kirby on the original issues, Gerber’s script pages, an historical Introduction by Mark Evanier (co-editor of the original 1980s issues), and an Afterword by Buzz Dixon (who continued the series after Gerber)! Discover all the hidden jabs you missed when Destroyer Duck was first published, and experience page after page of Kirby’s raw pencil art! Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
JUST POSTED: The online preview for The Chillingly Weird Art Of Matt Fox, our full-color hardcover by Roger Hill, shipping in September. See it and pre-order HERE!
BACK ISSUE #143: A special tribute issue to Neal Adams (1941–2022), celebrating his Bronze Age DC Comics contributions! In-depth Batman and Superman interviews, ‘Green Lantern/Green Arrow’—Fifty Years Later, Neal Adams—Under the Radar, Continuity Associates, a ‘Rough Stuff’ pencil art gallery, Power Records, and more! Re-presenting Adams’ iconic cover art to Batman #227. Edited by Michael Eury. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
COMIC BOOK CREATOR #30: Canadian comic book artist, illustrator, and graphic novelist Michael Cho in a career-spanning interview and art gallery, a 1974 look at Jack Adler and the DC Comics production department’s process of reprinting Golden Age material, color newspaper tabloid The Funny Pages examined in depth by its editor Ron Barrett, plus CBC’s usual columns and features, including Hembeck! Edited by Jon B. Cooke. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
See what TwoMorrows Publishing has listed in the latest Diamond Previews catalog! To see FULL listings of all items, CLICK HERE!
MAY232098 BACK ISSUE #147 NEW! (George Pérez tribute)
MAY232104 HERO-A-GO-GO (Softcover)
RETROFAN #26: It begins here: the saga of Saturday morning’s Super Friends, Part One (of Four)! Plus: A history of Mr. T, TV’s Avengers (Steed and Mrs. Peel), a profile of Daktari’s Cheryl Miller, Mexican movie monsters, John and Yoko’s nation of Nutopia, an interview with the actress who almost played Emma Peel, Elizabeth Shepherd, and more fun, fab features! Featuring columns by Andy Mangels, Will Murray, Scott Saavedra, Scott Shaw, and Mark Voger! Edited by Michael Eury. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
ALTER EGO #181: It’s a special Neal Adams issue, paying tribute to one of the giants of the Silver and Bronze Ages of comics! Featuring in-depth interviews with Neal by Howard Chaykin, Bryan Stroud, and Richard Arndt. Also: a “lost” Adams Brave & The Bold cover with Batman and Green Arrow, and unseen Adams art and artifacts. Plus FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and more! Edited by Roy Thomas. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
BRICKJOURNAL #79: The magazine for LEGO® enthusiasts, takes a look at Brick Art with builders Andreas Lelander and Jack England! Plus learn how to build mosaics and sculptures with Deep Shen and some of the best Lego builders around the world! Plus: AFOLs (“Adult Fans of LEGO”) by cartoonist Greg Hyland, step-by step “You Can Build It” instructions by Christopher Deck, BrickNerd’s DIY Fan Art, Minifigure Customization with Jared K. Burks, and more! Edited by Joe Meno. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
APR231901 ALTER EGO #183 NEW!
APR231902 BACK ISSUE #146 NEW!
APR231907 MIKE GRELL: Life Is Drawing Without An Eraser (Softcover)
APR231908 PLUGGED IN! Comics Professionals Working in the Video Game Industry (Softcover)
BACK ISSUE #142: SUPER issue! Superboy’s Bronze Age adventures, and interviews with Gerard Christopher and Stacy Haiduk of the Superboy live-action TV series. Plus: Super Goof, Super Richie (Rich), Super-Dagwood, Super Mario Bros., Frank Thorne’s Far Out Green Super Cool, Nick Meglin and Jack Davis’ Superfan, and more! Featuring a Superboy and Krypto cover by Dave Cockrum! Edited by MICHAEL EURY. Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
ALTER EGO COLLECTORS’ ITEM CLASSICS: Roy Thomas has compiled all the material on the founders of the Marvel Bullpen from three sold-out Alter Ego issues—plus over 30 new pages of content! There’s the Steve Ditko issue (#160 with a rare ’60s Ditko interview by Richard Howell, biographical notes by Nick Caputo, and Ditko tributes)! The Stan Lee issue (#161 with Roy Thomas on his 50+ year relationship with Stan, art by Kirby, Ditko, Maneely, Everett, Severin, Romita, plus tributes from pros and fans)! And the Jack Kirby issue (#170 with Will Murray on Kirby’s contributions to Iron Man’s creation, Jack’s Captain Marvel/Mr. Scarlet Fawcett work, Kirby in 1960s fanzines, plus Stan Lee and Roy Thomas on Jack)! NEW MATERIAL: Unpublished interviews with Kirby, Lee, and Mark Ditko! Whether you missed these issues, or can’t live without the extensive new material on Ditko, Lee, and Kirby, it’s sure to be an Amazing, Astonishing, Fantastic tribute to the main men who made Marvel! Preview the issue, and order your copy here!
Next week, from March 24–26, TwoMorrows will be at WonderCon, at booth 1204! At the show, we’ll have a limited number of pre-release copies of:
Alter Ego #181 & Back Issue #143 (Neal Adams tributes)
Comic Book Creator #30
Jack Kirby Collector #86
RetroFan #26
Destroyer Duck Graphite Edition
Plus, we’ll have some surprise items that’ve long been sold out! We left some excess stock in California after our last San Diego Con in 2019, and thanks to Covid, this is our first time exhibiting on the West Coast again!
So if you still need a copy of Lou Scheimer: Creating the Filmation Generation (regular and autographed by Lou), Monster Mash, RetroFan #2 (the Elvira issue), the THUNDER Agents Companion, and other sold-out items, be sure to stop by our booth early before they’re all snatched up! (If any are left after the con, we’ll offer them online once they make it back home.)
And publisher John Morrow, when he’s not manning the booth, will be on two panels:
Friday, 3–4pm: How Has Comic-Con Changed your Life?
Saturday, Noon–1pm: Jack Kirby Tribute Panel