Category Archives: TNT

Back Issue #92 ships today from TwoMorrows


Back Issue #92 (84 full-color pages, $8.95) is our Bronze Age Halloween Issue covering: The Swamp Thing revival of 1982, Swamp Thing in Hollywood, Phantom Stranger team-ups, Paul Kupperberg and Mike Mignola’s Phantom Stranger miniseries, DC’s The Witching Hour, and Marvel’s Monster That Didn’t Make the Big Time—the Living Mummy. Plus: an issue-by-issue index of Marvel’s 1970s’ horror anthologies! Featuring the work of Rich Buckler, Andy Mangels, Val Mayerik, Martin Pasko, Michael Uslan, Thomas Yeates, and many more. Cover-featuring Yeates’ 2001 recreation of his 1982 cover for Saga of the Swamp Thing #14! Edited by Michael Eury.

NOTE: We are experiencing unprecedented levels of reorder activity on our magazines. Case in point: Back Issue #88, only a few months old, is already completely SOLD OUT. We can no longer guarantee copies will be available for long after initial release, so don’t wait for a convention or sale—order now!

You can view a free preview and order the Print Edition (at 15% off with a free digital edition) or Digital Edition only (just $3.95) HERE!

Eight-issue Print subscriptions are $73 US ($116 International, with free digital editions), or $31.60 for Digital Only, available HERE!

Or order the Print Edition at your local comic book shop using Diamond Order Code: JUN161840

This issue will be in stores tomorrow, and is now shipping directly from TwoMorrows.

The MLJ COMPANION (complete history of Archie Comics’ super-heroes) ships today!


The MLJ Companion documents the complete history of Archie Comics’ super-hero characters known as the “Mighty Crusaders”—The Shield, Black Hood, Steel Sterling, Hangman, Mr. Justice, The Fly, and many others. It features in-depth examinations of each era of the characters’ extensive history: The Golden Age (beginning with the Shield, the first patriotic super-hero, who pre-dated Captain America by a full year), the Silver Age (spotlighting those offbeat, campy Mighty Comics issues, and The Fly and Jaguar), the Bronze Age (with the Red Circle line, and the !mpact imprint published by DC Comics), up to the Modern Age, with its Dark Circle imprint (featuring such fan-favorites series as “The Fox” by Mark Waid and Dean Haspiel).

Plus: Learn what “MLJ” stands for! Uncover such rarities as the Mighty Crusaders board game, and the Shadow’s short-lived career as a spandex-clad superhero! Discover the ill-fated Spectrum line of comics, that was abruptly halted due to its violent content! See where the super-heroes crossed over into Archie, Betty, and Veronica’s world! And read interviews with Irv Novick, Dick Ayers, Rich Buckler, Bill DuBay, Steve Englehart, Jim Valentino, Jimmy Palmiotti, Kelly Jones, Michael Uslan, and others who chronicled the Mighty Crusaders’ exploits from the 1940s to today! By Rik Offenberger, Paul Castiglia, and Jon B. Cooke. Now full-color throughout, with 60 pages of key MLJ stories, and new cover by Rich Buckler and Joe Rubinstein!

The MLJ Companion is now shipping from TwoMorrows, and available in comics shops worldwide: order using Diamond Comic Distributor’s code MAY161832.

You can see a free preview and order through this link:

Go outta this world in BrickJournal #41


BrickJournal #41, our magazine for LEGO enthusiasts, blasts off today! It’s an out-of-this-world issue with the space-themed LEGO creations, including 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Orion space plane, and other amazing LEGO structures. You can see a free preview, and order HERE!

TwoMorrows infects fans today with Comic Book Fever


Starting today, we’re exposing fans to Comic Book Fever, our infectious new book celebrating comics from the magical era of 1976-1986, when all different genres were available to any kid with a pocketful of coins, at establishments from 7-Elevens to their local drug store. George Khoury (author of The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore, Kimota: The Miracleman Companion, and Image Comics: The Road to Independence) spent years penning this exhaustive tribute to his personal golden age of comics, covering all the things that made those comics great—the top artists, the coolest stories, and even the best ads.

Inside this 240-page full-color trade paperback ($34.95 cover price) are new articles, interviews, and images about the people, places, characters, titles, moments, and good times that inspired and thrilled fans in the Bronze Age: Neal Adams, John Romita, George Pérez, Marv Wolfman, Alan Moore, Denny O’Neil, Jim Starlin, José Luis García-López, The Hernandez Brothers, The Buscema Brothers, Stan Lee, Jack Davis, Jack Kirby, Kevin Eastman, Chris Claremont, Gerry Conway, Frank Miller and others.

It also covers the phenoms that delighted Baby Boomers, Generation X, and beyond: Uncanny X-Men, New Teen Titans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Love and Rockets, Crisis On Infinite Earths, Superman vs. Spider-Man, Archie Comics, Harvey Comics, Kiss, Star Wars, Rom, Hostess Cake ads, Slurpee cups, Grit(!), and other milestones.

Talk across the Internet is already going viral:

Reviewer Dan Greenfield declares this book to be “the Bible of the post-Baby Boom”!

Kevin Eastman (co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) can’t wait for it.

Captain Strangelife even does a YouTube video review!

With cover art and Introduction by superstar painter Alex Ross (featuring Snyderman from those unforgettable 1970s mail order ads), Comic Book Fever sends readers on a contagious trip back in time to re-experience those epic stories, and feel the heat of that era once again.

It’s currently spreading through comics shops worldwide: order using Diamond Comic Distributor’s code #MAR161774.

You can see a free preview and order at TwoMorrows Publishing’s website through THIS LINK!

The biggest jerks in comics are in Back Issue #91


Shipping TODAY: BACK ISSUE #91, an ALL-JERKS ISSUE, starring the Green Lantern you love to hate, Guy Gardner!

Plus: Namor in the Bronze Age, J. Jonah Jameson, Flash Thompson, DC’s Biggest Blowhards, the Heckler, Obnoxio the Clown, and Archie’s “pal” Reggie Mantle!

Featuring the work of (non-jerks) RICH BUCKLER, KURT BUSIEK, JOHN BYRNE, STEVE ENGLEHART, KEITH GIFFEN, ALAN KUPPERBERG, JOE STATON, and many more. Cover-featuring KEVIN MAGUIRE’s iconic Batman/Guy Gardner “One Punch”! Edited by Michael Eury.

Don’t ask—just BI it! Order HERE!

BACK ISSUE #88 sells out shortly after release! More new magazine sell-outs expected!


Due to recent changes with our distributors, TwoMorrows is experiencing unprecedented levels of reorder activity on our magazines. Case in point: Back Issue #88, only four months old, is already completely SOLD OUT. Demand was so strong, we couldn’t fill Diamond Comic Distributor’s reorder, so stores are being shorted, leaving customers disappointed. And we anticipate this happening with other issues of all our magazines for the foreseeable future.

We base print runs on the INITIAL orders from Diamond’s PREVIEWS catalog, and the number of subscriptions and pre-orders at press time. Second printings are almost never an option, leaving only the digital version for customers who wait too long to order.

BOTTOM LINE: We can no longer guarantee copies will be available for long after initial release!

To ensure you don’t miss an issue:

• Pre-order through our website ( at 15% off
• Subscribe online at:
• Order through Diamond’s PREVIEWS catalog as soon as you see each new issue listed

Don’t wait for a relisting, convention, or sale, or you may miss out. And if you’ve held off ordering any recent issues, many are close to selling out, so order now!

Thanks for your understanding, and for making our magazines the Future of Comics History!

Half-Price Hardcovers, the next two weekends!

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We’re offering Half-Price Hardcovers, now through August 14! For the next two weekends, you’ll save 50% on all our hardcover books at
• American Comic Book Chronicles (1950s through 1970s volumes)
• Age of TV Heroes
• Monster Mash
Plus artist bios on:
• John Romita Sr.
• Carmine Infantino
• Sal Buscema
• Don Heck
• Will Eisner
• Herb Trimpe
• Matt Baker
MANY of these are nearly SOLD OUT, so get hardcovers for less than a softcover (plus free digital edition where available) while they last!
HERE‘s the link!

Three new mags now shipping from TwoMorrows!


Bwah-hah! Draw! #32 (80 full-color pages, $8.95), yuks it up with super-star penciler Howard Porter (Justice League 3000, Justice League of America, Superman Beyond) as he monologues and demos the creative process that has made him a top-tier penciler for DC Comics. Then we heckle power penciler Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Molly Danger, Zatanna) into spilling his guts about everything from storyboarding to penciling for the big boys, as he gives a breakdown of his working methods. Plus our regular line-up of columnists demonstrate their shtick: Crusty Critic Jamar Nicholas reviewing art supplies, Jerry Ordway showing the Ord-Way of doing comics, and Comic Art Bootcamplessons with Bret Blevins and Draw! editor Mike Manley. No matter how you frame it, this issue kills!

You can view a FREE preview and order the PRINT EDITION (at 15% off with a FREE digital edition) or DIGITAL EDITION ONLY (just $3.95) HERE!

AE49 Trial Cover.qxd

Jack Kirby Collector #68 (100 full-color pages, $10.95) spotlights Key Kirby Characters! In it, we examine pivotal characters Jack created throughout his career (including some that might surprise you)! Plus there’s a look at what would’ve happened if Kirby had never left Marvel Comics for DC,  the 2015 Kirby Tribute Panel from WonderCon (featuring Neal Adams, Darwyn Cooke, Fred Van Lente, Crystal Skillman, and Len Wein), Mark Evanier and other regular columnists, and galleries of rare and unseen Kirby pencil art! All behind a recently-discovered 1960s Kirby illo of Dr. Doom, newly inked by Concrete’s Paul Chadwick! Edited by John Morrow.

You can view a free preview and order the Print Edition (at 15% off with a FREE digital edition) or Digital Edition Only (just $4.95) HERE!

AE49 Trial Cover.qxd

In Alter Ego #142 (80 full-color pages, $8.95), super-fan David Siegel talks to Richard Arndt about how, from 1991 to 2005, he tracked down some of the greatest and hardest-to-find artists of the Golden Age and brought them to the San Diego Comic-Con! Featuring art and artifacts by those classic talents, including Ramona Fradon, Chad Grothkopf, Sheldon Moldoff, Harry Lampert, Chuck Cuidera, Creig Flessel, Paul Norris, Vin Sullivan, Joe Giella, Irv Novick, Kurt Schaffenberger, and others! Plus: Rich Morrissey on how Golden/Silver Age star writer John Broome got to the Con! Also, Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, FCA (Fawcett Collector’s of America) section, and more! Edited by Roy Thomas.

You can view a free preview and order the print edition (at 15% off with a FREE digital edition) or Digital Edition Only (just $3.95) HERE!

Whirlwind Comic-Con and LEGO events!

The last two weeks have been a frenzy of comics and travel for TwoMorrows! After a full week in San Diego for Comic-Con International, plus a week of va-cay, we’re back in the saddle this week, getting caught up on all the emails, orders, and deadlines that have piled up while we were traveling. Thanks to everyone for their patience while we were away, and for the warm greetings we received at our booth out West!

But lest you think we’re done with conventions for the summer, I say thee nay! This weekend, it’s BrickFair in Chantilly, Virginia, one of our favorite LEGO-related conventions. And simultaneously, we’ll have a booth at BrickFest in Anaheim (CA), where we’ll likewise be promoting BrickJournal magazine to all the LEGO fans on both coasts!

Hope to see you there!

Visit TwoMorrows at Comic-Con at our GIANT booth #1301 this week!

We’ll be at our DOUBLE-SIZE BOOTH #1301-1303, with 40% OFF almost everything!
It’s located just through the main doors for Hall B1 and B2, next to the Golden & Silver Age Pavilion.

Get there early to pick up these debut/pre-release new issues of our magazines, before they’re available in stores:

• Jack Kirby Collector (#68)
• Alter Ego (#142)
• Back Issue (#91)
• Draw (#32)
• BrickJournal (#41)

We’ll also have a limited quantity of these new books debuting at Comic-Con, a month or more before they’ll be in stores:

Comic Book Fever (George Khoury’s look at his his personal golden age of comics, 1976-1986)
The MLJ Companion (the complete history of the Archie Comics superhero characters, from the Mighty Crusaders to Dark Circle)

And don’t miss Brandon Griffith’s awesome Comic Bricks display at our booth, featuring LEGO recreations of classic comic book covers!

On Friday night, we’ll be at the Eisner Awards ceremony, where we’re nominated for not one, not two, but THREE EISNER AWARDS for Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism for:

Back Issue
Alter Ego
Jack Kirby Collector

On Saturday, from 5:00 – 6:00pm in Room 23ABC, to celebrate the impending release of our MLJ Companion book, we’re hosting this panel:

Archie Comics’ Super-Heroes: The Mighty Crusaders from MLJ to Dark Circle
Join moderator Rik Offenberger, along with TwoMorrows Publisher John Morrow, Archie Comics President Mike Pellerito, comic historians Chris Squires, Jim Simon (son of comics legend Joe Simon), and Michael Uslan (Batman movie producer) for a lively conversation about the Mighty Crusaders in all their incarnations from the Golden Age to today—as well as information about The MLJ Companion book, debuting at Comic-Con from TwoMorrows Publishing.

And we’ll be on hand for the annual Jack Kirby Tribute Panel, Sunday, 10:00-11:15 AM in Room 5AB:
Featuring Kevin Eastman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Kirby biographer Ray Wyman, Jr., Scott Dunbier, (Director of Special Projects for IDW Publishing) and attorney Paul S. Levine. It’s moderated by former Kirby assistant Mark Evanier.

See you this week at booth #1301!