Category Archives: TNT

ALTER EGO #99 preview is up!

ALTER EGO #99 spotlights the late GEORGE TUSKA and you can check out a FREE PDF preview of the issue at this link:

To order through Diamond Comic Distributors, use Diamond Order Code: NOV101119

To preorder directly from TwoMorrows, for a FLASH preview, or for more info, go to:

It’ll be in stores on Wednesday, January 12, 2011.

New way to order our Digital Editions

For your convenience, we’ve now combined PRINT and DIGITAL ordering onto the same pages at our website. Just go to the description page for any item, and if a Digital Edition is available, you’ll see a menu at the bottom that says “What Format?”. Just choose DIGITAL ONLY, add it to your shopping cart, and checkout as usual. When you complete your order, the link to the DIGITAL EDITION will be on the confirmation page at checkout. (You may have to  scroll down to find it, depending on how big your computer screen is.)

Customers who order the Print versions of our magazines still get FREE access to the corresponding Digital Edition.

And if you’ve been looking closely, you may’ve noticed we’ve just added a LOT of Digital Editions of our older mags. There’s more to come, and by Jan. 1, we plan to have ALL our back issues available in digital form, with sold out BOOKS coming next. So tune in regularly to our site.

And look for our brand spankin’ new 2011 Catalog to be available at the first of the year. (Guess what I’ll be spending my Christmas vacation doing…)

Free preview of Back Issue #46 is up now!

I just sent Back Issue #46 to the printer, featuring a collection of “Greatest Stories Never Told”. It’s a great issue, from Mike Grell’s recounting of the unknown beginnings of Warlord, to the amazing unused Mike Sekowsky pages for a never-published Black Canary mini-series! (I’m a huge Sekowsky fan; sure wish we could’ve seen that one, with inks by Dick Giordano!)

You can see a free preview of the issue by clicking HERE:

If you prefer to see it in FLASH format, want more info on the issue, or want to order, here’s the link:

Last Chance: Copies of Kirby Collector #12-22 on sale now!

We just acquired one final stash of a few copies of Jack Kirby Collector #12-22, and I’ve added them to our website for immediate ordering. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET THESE RARE, SOLD-OUT ORIGINAL ISSUES! Please note: They’re not in “mint” condition, but are all in decent shape (with minor cover scuffing in some cases), and fully readable.

PLUS: They’re priced at 15% off their original low $4.95-$5.95 cover price.

Just go to this link to order, but DON’T DELAY, as they’ll be gone quickly!

We’re closed next week (Nov. 15-19)

I’ll be traveling on top-secret TwoMorrows business all next week (Nov. 15-19), and our offices will be closed. So if you place an order during that time, it’ll be processed during Thanksgiving week.

And in case you’re wondering, if my trip is fruitful, it will result in something very, very cool from TwoMorrows. Gobble-gobble!

Just posted: FREE preview of Alter Ego #98

Alter Ego #98 just went to the printer, featuring heavy coverage of Superman’s Silver Age editors and writers. You can take a sneak peek by downloading a FREE 6mb PDF preview of the issue at this link, or you can access a nifty new online FLASH-based preview at this link.

The full issue is available for pre-ordering directly from TwoMorrows at this link (print customers will receive a free link to the digital edition), and it goes on sale in comic book stores on Wednesday, December 8.

Go get ’em!

Curious about George?

George Khoury, that is. He’s been busy working on his updated version of KIMOTA! THE MIRACLEMAN COMPANION book, and is prepping some other projects it’s too soon to announce (but you know, like all his other TwoMorrows books, they’ll be must-reads).

In-between slaving away as an author, he’s had the chance to pen his regular column at Comic Book Resources, and he just completed his latest, on the late Stephen Cannell, at this link:

And he was just interviewed about our book AGE OF TV HEROES in a Princeton, NJ newspaper here:

Now get back to work on Kimota, George!

Raising funds to cure diabetes

This Saturday, my daughter Lily and I will be taking a lengthy stroll in the Walk to Cure Diabetes, organized by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. One of Lily’s best friends has a teenaged brother who was diagnosed at age 2 with juvenile diabetes, and he’s been dealing with it (way better than I ever could) for all these years. So we’re strapping on our tennis shoes and taking part is this nationwide event, to help fund research to end it once and for all.

I imagine you know someone with this lousy disease. If you’re so moved, you can sponsor us by making a donation (of any amount; I know times are tough for most people these days) here:

New February ship date for Modern Masters: Jeff Smith

If you’ve been patiently waiting for our upcoming Modern Masters book on Jeff Smith, here’s an update. Although the book has hit some delays, it’s almost completed. However, we’re up against a deadline window with Diamond Comics Distributors, and rather than rush it out in time to make that deadline, we want to insure it’s the best book it can be. So I’ve decided to relist it in Previews for February 2011 release. Doing so allows us the extra few weeks we need to do justice to this book.

I’m sorry for the continued delay, but l appreciate your patience while we complete the book. It’s very close to done, so we should have no problem releasing it on time in February, and I’m confident that, when you get your copy, you’ll agree it was worth the extra wait.

Free preview of BACK ISSUE #45 up now

Hey y’all, do you love the Denny O’Neil/Neal Adams issues of Green Lantern/Green Arrow as much as I do? Then you’ll equally enjoy Back Issue #45 when it ships Nov. 10, with its extensive cover feature of that pivotal series. Also in this “Odd Couples” issue, you’ll find features on Vision and Scarlet Witch, Power Man and Iron Fist, Black Widow and Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, and more!

A PDF preview and more info is available here: