Earl missed us by a mile

Thanks to everyone who wrote and called expressing concern that Hurricane Earl might affect us here in Raleigh, NC. Turns out the big guy blew past us and didn’t really faze us in the least. We’ve dealt with some biggies over the years, but thankfully this one didn’t cause any harm, at least not for us. (In fact, we spent the Labor Day weekend at Lake Gaston north of here, and we didn’t see a single drop of rain or wind to ruin our fun.)

FREE Preview of Back Issue #44

I’ve just posted a FREE 3mb preview of the “Spider-Clone” roundtable discussion from BACK ISSUE #44. You can download it this link:


The Spider-Clone Saga has its origins in Amazing Spider-Man #142 (Mar. 1975), an issue featuring the return of a female looking remarkably like the recently deceased Gwen Stacy. That storyline ended with Peter Parker to fight a clone of himself seemingly to the death, but the Spider-Clone would reappear later in the Spider-Man mythos, as recently as 2009. To get the full story behind the Spider-Clone Saga, interviewer Keith Veronese talked with Gerry Conway about the original 1970s storyline, with Steven Butler and Mark Bagley about the resurrection of the Clone as the Scarlet Spider, and with Howard Mackie, Tom DeFalco, J. M. DeMatteis, Glenn Greenberg, and Danny Fingeroth about the later follow-through of the Clone Saga.

The full issue is available for pre-ordering directly from TwoMorrows at this link (print customers will receive a free link to the digital edition):


BACK ISSUE #44 will be on sale in comic book stores on Wednesday, September 22.

Wherefore art thou, Kimota?

In response to an awful lot of requests over the years, YES!, we are issuing a fully updated version of Kimota!, The Miracleman Companion. We first published George Khoury’s exhaustive look at the seemingly perpetually-tangled history of Marvelman/Miracleman back in 2001, and since it sold out a few years ago, it’s been selling on eBay for almost as much as the original Eclipse Miracleman issues.

Obviously, a lot’s happened legally with the character since 2001, with Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane both claiming ownership. Marvel Comics last year purchased the rights to Marvelman outright from creator Mick Anglo, and has been issuing reprint collections of Marvelman stories from the 1950s (but alas, the hallowed Alan Moore-written MIRACLEman stories still seem to be mired in legal quicksand, and won’t be reprinted till that’s all cleared up—hopefully soon).

The new version of Kimota! is nearing completion, so stay tuned to our site and this blog for the new release date. In the meantime, you can whet your appetite with this blog post by author George Khoury, giving a nice capsule history of what has gone before:


Post-Comic-Con wrap-up

Despite all the hyphens in the title above, I’m going to try to keep this post brief. Elsewhere across the web are numerous recaps of others’ experiences at Comic-Con International. Here’s mine in a nutshell.

• Best Overall Year ever sales-wise for us (but due to offering LOTS of things on sale, and cutting expenses all around)

• Most fun I’ve had in San Diego since the 1990s (due largely to getting to finally meet two of my long-time long-distance friends in-person for the first time: “Fantastic” Frank Johnson, and my French pal Jean Depelley)

• Least number of “regulars” in attendance of any year I can recall (but I knew going there that most of our regular friends wouldn’t attend, either due to finances, sold-out tickets, or the ever-present “it’s just too crowded” or “it’s just not fun anymore” responses)

• Best food I’ve had in SD (we rented a condo with a kitchen, and my wife Pam cooked the entire week, so we didn’t have to deal with long waits at restaurants)

• Least amount of comics stuff I’ve ever seen at Comic-Con (but boy, the Hollywood shills were there in force!)

• Most fun my kids have had there (they were old enough to attend the “Quick Draw Panel” and the “Phineas and Ferb” panel, and no one stabbed them in the eye)

• Best overall West Coast trip we’ve taken (largely due to vacationing the week BEFORE Comic-Con instead of after, when we’d be much more tired, and also due to a simply fabulous trip to the Grand Canyon to start our journey)

• Tied with last year for Weakest Kirby Tribute Panel ever (not due either year to the panelists, who were all excellent—the Con has cut the panel from 90 minutes down to 1 hour because of lack of programming room space, and by the time all the intros are made and announcements of upcoming Kirby items are made, there’s little time for the panel to talk about Jack)

• Awfully long Eisner Awards ceremony (which it usually is; but at 11pm, they were only about half-way through the awards, and I had to call it a night, since I had to get back to our condo, and be in the Exhibit Hall to open our booth at 8:30 am the next morning); even if Alter Ego had won, I still hope they’ll find a way to shorten it in the future.

There’s lots of hub-bub about whether or not Comic-Con will move out of San Diego (with Los Angeles/Anaheim the most likely new location if they do). I love San Diego. It’s one of the most beautiful cities I’ve been to, and the weather’s usually picture perfect at Comic-Con. But if they don’t find a way to expand to accommodate more panels about comics, and sell more tickets, I think they should move. With Hollywood and other non-comics stuff basically taking over 2/3 of the event (in my unscientific estimate of the floor plan), the comics representation is basically about where it was back in 2000. Yes, there’s arguably about as much comics stuff as years ago, but now there’s lots more non-comics stuff, so the comics are being dwarfed in comparison. And with so many non-comics people and companies competing for tickets and booth space, Comic-Con will soon completely lose its old identity unless they find room to expand in their present locale, or move.

If it’s the only way to keep the “comics” in Comic-Con, I hope they move to Anaheim. There’s plenty of cheaper hotels there, more exhibit space, and hey, you can still take a couple of extra days after to vacation down in San Diego. Frankly, SD’s a lot more fun as a vacation spot AFTER the Comic-Con crowd leaves, and the pace slows down.

Having said all that, I want to make one thing clear: Comic-Con is still by far the best-run convention I’ve ever attended. The fact that it’s so large makes that even more amazing. After having organized a LEGO Convention in Raleigh, NC this year, I have an even greater level of respect for the Comic-Con organizers, and amazement at how they run it without a hitch year after year. As long as there’s comics at Comic-Con, TwoMorrows will be there every year, and everyone involved in running it deserves major kudos for a job repeatedly well done.

Colletta book buzz

Our new book The Thin Black Line: Perspectives on Vince Colletta, Comics’ Most Controversial Inker is just out, and it’s already garnering rave reviews for its fair-handed treatment of its subject. Here’s one example from reviewer Dan Nadel:


The book debuted last week at Comic-Con, and we sold completely out there. When we first announced it, a lot of people were puzzled: “Why would anyone do a book on Vince Colletta?” I was asked numerous times.

Now that they’ve read it, they totally understand, and many, like Nadel, want to see an even more extensive look into Colletta’s life and career (which Vince’s con Franklin has been working on, and hopes to have published soon).

Yknow, contrary to what some believe, I like Vinnie’s inks over some artists, and even like his Jimmy Olsen work over Kirby. In doing the book, I think I discovered why.

I searched for before/after comparisons where Vinnie omitted stuff in Jimmy Olsen, but I only have access to pencil copies of the last half of Jack’s run on the series. And there’s virtually no examples of erasures, unlike the earlier Thor work, where omissions are all over the place. (I designed the book, and could’ve easily added dozens more Thor before/after examples if there’d been room. But I had trouble finding a single instance in Jimmy Olsen #139-148.)

This may’ve been Jack figuring “Vinnie’s going to omit all the details anyway” and Jack putting less into those pages for him to erase. But I think more likely, it was a result of Kirby confronting Vinnie up at DC around 1971 (when he got Royer assigned as new inker on the other Fourth World books), as documented in the book. I suspect Vinnie was more concerned about being faithful to Jack’s pencils after that heated exchange, which apparently was pretty unpleasant for both men.

All lines are busy now…

If you’ve been trying to take us up on our newly posted FREE Digital Editions of our latest issues, you’re not alone! Our servers have been overloaded with thousands of orders since Sunday, so you may have had trouble getting through, or your downloads may have gotten corrupted and wouldn’t open.

If that’s the case, please try again in a day or two when things have slowed down a bit, and they should work fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Comic-Con is on! Booth #1301

We’re about to embark on our annual pilgrimage to Comic-Con International: San Diego, so TwoMorrows will be closed from the time you read this till August 1. (We’re working in some R&R on this trip too, including a stop at the Grand Canyon with the kids.) It looks to be another really eventful con for us this year, so without further ado, here’s the official PR:


On July 21, TwoMorrows Publishing will make their 16th consecutive appearance at Comic-Con International: San Diego. The company will again be exhibiting at booth #1301, in their usual spot in front of the San Diego Convention Center, just inside the doors for Hall C, and bringing with them a literal ton (more than 2000 lbs.—we weighed it and shipped it there!) of printed goodness for fans of comics and LEGO.

Debuting at Comic-Con will be the new book THE THIN BLACK LINE: PERSPECTIVES ON VINCE COLLETTA, by Robert L. Bryant Jr. Vince Colletta has long been a controversial figure in comics history, known for his ability to ink an entire comic book over a weekend when needed, but often taking some startling shortcuts to meet his deadlines. In anticipation of the book’s release, TwoMorrows is letting readers download a FREE 5mb PDF preview of the chapter on Colletta’s THOR work at this link:


Also at Comic-Con International 2010, TwoMorrows will debut:

Alter Ego #95 (the Marie Severin/humor issue of Roy Thomas’ Eisner Award nominated magazine)
Back Issue #42 (the Wild West issue, cover-featuring a retrospective on Jonah Hex)
BrickJournal Compendium 4 (compiling never-printed digital issues of TwoMorrows LEGO magazine)

Other new items TwoMorrows will have on hand include:
Age of TV Heroes (showcasing the live-action TV appearances of comic book characters)
Sal Buscema: Comics’ Fast & Furious Artist
Recent Modern Masters books on Mark Buckingham and Guy Davis

TwoMorrows will also have a limited number of DVD and Blue-ray copies for sale of the acclaimed documentary Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist in conjunction with Montilla Productions, the documentary’s producers. The DVD hits stores in early August, but will only be available at Comic-Con at booth #1301.

Other TwoMorrows Comic-Con related items of note:

• On Friday night, July 23, the annual Eisner Awards ceremony takes place, honoring the best in comics from the previous year. Roy Thomas’ ALTER EGO is again nominated for Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism, a category the magazine won in 2007.

• For those that missed the company’s recent Half-Price Magazine Sale, TwoMorrows will be bringing hundreds of back issues and older books, all available at 50% off cover price.

• On Thursday, July 22 at 2:30 pm in Room 7AB, TwoMorrows will be presenting the panel BrickJournal: Looking at the LEGO Community. In the past decade, a community of adult LEGO builders has sprung up and created models, websites, and even conventions. The staff of TwoMorrows’ BrickJournal, the magazine for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages, will take a look at the community (and what it builds) at this talk, with Brandon Griffith (top LEGO builder), Jonathan Bender (author of LEGO: A Love Story), Nathan Sawaya (LEGO Certified Professional builder), and Jim Foulds (Community Operations Manager, Community Development – Americas and Australia, for the LEGO Group). The panel will be moderated by BrickJournal editor Joe Meno, and there will also be a Q&A afterward.

• Nathan Sawaya and Jonathan Bender will be signing at booth #1301 after the BrickJournal panel from 4-5pm Thursday, July 22. Sawaya will be signing again from 4-5pm Friday, July 23.

• Rand Hoppe, curator of the online Jack Kirby Museum (www.kirbymuseum.org) will be at the TwoMorrows booth for all of Comic-Con, with his large format scanner in tow, scanning collectors’ Kirby original art for the Museum’s digital archives. Hoppe will be accepting Kirby Museum memberships at the booth as well, and displaying exclusive Kirby premiums available with new and renewing memberships.

• The annual Jack Kirby Tribute Panel will take place on Sunday, July 25 at 10am. Both John Morrow and Rand Hoppe will be in attendance, as moderator Mark Evanier quizzes top panelists about how Kirby influenced them.

Free samples!

Right now, you can try the most recent issues of all our magazines for FREE!

We’ve just added 7 new FREE Digital Editions to our website, so you can sample a FULL ISSUE of each of our magazines, to try out “going digital,” or to see what you’ve been missing in our recent print issues! (For instance, we’ve just added FULL-COLOR pages to both Alter Ego and Back Issue, so take a look at how much that adds to these already fantastic mags!)

These are full-color PDF files, viewable on any computer (using Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader software, available here), or on an iPad or other portable device that reads PDF files.

These new issues have just been added for FREE downloading:

Alter Ego #94
Back Issue #41
BrickJournal #10
Draw #18
Jack Kirby Collector #54
Rough Stuff #12
Write Now #20

Just got to the “FREE STUFF” section of our website and start enjoying these FULL-COLOR, COMPLETE PDF issues:


And while you’re there, you can download FREE catalogs as well; they’re fully interactive, so if you see something you want to order, just click on the item, and it’ll take you to the page on our website to order it.

Last chance for half-price mags!

Hey, gang; I’ve just extended our HALF-PRICE MAGAZINE SALE through July 4th. So in between those hot dogs, beer, and fireworks, mosey on over to www.twomorrows.com and stock up on any of these issues you’ve missed at 50% off:

Back Issue! #1-34
Jack Kirby Collector #23-52
Draw! #4-17
Alter Ego #2-86
Rough Stuff! #1-12
Write Now! #1-20
Comic Book Artist #9-25
BrickJournal #2-5


Vinnie Colletta gets his own book (no, really!)

I’m wrapping up the layout on TwoMorrows’ new book on Vince Colletta this week, and if all goes well on press, it’ll debut at Comic-Con next month. Entitled THE THIN BLACK LINE: PERSPECTIVES ON VINCE COLLETTA, COMICS’ MOST CONTROVERSIAL INKER, it’s a really fascinating look and Vinnie’s life and career, and answers a lot of questions fans have had. His son discusses Colletta’s alleged mafia connections, and a wealth of top pros weigh in on VC’s work, pro and con. It’s written by Robert L. Bryant Jr., who spent months researching Vinnie’s history, family, and friends both in and outside of comics.

It’s one of the most fascinating life stories I’ve ever published, about an inker whose inking I pretty universally despised over Kirby. But like him or hate him, he was quite a character, with an amazingly colorful life. Really a fun read for me, as a big Kirby fan, and I think it’ll be pretty eye-opening for any fan of comics.

And don’t worry; I resisted the temptation to leave the last few pages blank to make the Comic-Con release, in honor of Vinnie’s own solution to all the last minute deadlines he was constantly handed.