Author Archives: Mr. Morrow

Now where did I put my polyester bell bottoms?

BACK ISSUE #49 is digging up a “1970s Time Capsule” as it flashes back to the early Bronze Age, spotlighting all the key moments of that era: Relevance in comics, Planet of the Apes, DC Salutes the Bicentennial, Kung-Fu Fighter, FOOM and Amazing World of DC Comics, groundbreaking new formats, Fireside Books’ reprints, Fast Willie Jackson, Marvel Comics calendars, Captain Sticky, and a countdown of the Bronze Age’s Biggest Events. It features art by and commentary from NEAL ADAMS, FRANK BRUNNER, JOHN BUSCEMA, DICK GIORDANO, BOB LARKIN, PAUL LEVITZ, ELLIOT S! MAGGIN, DOUG MOENCH, DENNY O’NEIL, MIKE PLOOG, and other top creators of the Bronze Age of Comics. The issue’s cover features ’70s superstar Deathlok the Demolisher by RICH BUCKLER and JOHN BEATTY. Back Issue is edited by MICHAEL EURY.

The Diamond Order Code is: APR111277

Getcha FREE PDF PREVIEW of the issue rite ‘cheer at this link.

And once you’re blown away by that sample, you can order the PRINT or DIGITAL EDITION simply by clicking on this underlined text.

BACK ISSUE #49 will be on sale in comic book stores on Wednesday, June 22.

Get your power ring charged up with ALTER EGO #102

Just in time for this summer’s blockbuster film, ALTER EGO magazine (just nominated for “Best Comics-Related Journalism” in the 2011 Eisner Awards) examines the origins of the Golden and Silver Age Green Lanterns. Issue #102, shipping in June, spotlights the character’s 1940s creators MART NODELL and BILL FINGER, and his 1959 creators JOHN BROOME, GIL KANE, and JULIUS SCHWARTZ. The issue provides unknown details behind both Lanterns’ history, and includes rare GL artwork by CARMINE INFANTINO, PAUL REINMAN, IRWIN HASEN, NEAL ADAMS, and others. The issue also includes part 2 of an interview with JACK MENDELSOHN, as he discusses being a scripter for Quality, DC, Dell, and Jay Ward’s animation studio. Rounding out the 84 pages is a “Fawcett Collectors of America” section, featuring recollections of working at Fawcett Comics by MARC SWAYZE and C.C. BECK, plus MICHAEL T. GILBERT with another installment of Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt. The issue’s new cover features previously unseen Green Lantern art by GIL KANE & TERRY AUSTIN, and MART NODELL.

The Diamond Order Code is: APR111276

Check out a FREE PDF preview of the issue at this link.

You can order a PRINT or DIGITAL EDITION here.

ALTER EGO #102 will be on sale in comic book stores on Wednesday, June 15.

Back in the saddle again…

It’s been a crazy few weeks following our LEGO festival here in May, but we’re back in high gear, and prepping our new titles for Comic-Con release and beyond.

This weekend, we’ll be at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC, so be sure to stop by our booth and say “hey” to Eric Nolen-Weathington, and pester him with the names of all the creators you want to see in future Modern Masters books!

My big TV moment, compliments of LEGO

If you’re brave or foolish enough and have five minutes to waste, click here to see my big television debut on our local NBC-TV affiliate, plugging TwoMorrows’ own BrickMagic LEGO Festival, held here in Raleigh, NC in a couple of weeks.

By the way, the festival’s website is www.brickmagic.ORG, not .COM as they had it on-screen. Still, it was a lot of fun setting up and filming the segment for “My Carolina Today.” And this year’s event is going to be one humdinger!

Possibly the coolest book we’ll publish this year

BRICKJOURNAL columnist Jared K. Burks has written the ultimate resource book for minifigure customization, and it’s flat out amazing. I’m not personally a hardcore LEGO builder, although I’ve got a huge level of respect for what our BrickJournal readers create and display at various LEGO fan festivals around the world. But even if you’re not into LEGO, take my word for it: check out the free PDF preview of Minifigure Customization: Populate Your World!, which ships May 11. I think you’ll be astonished at all the ways he’s found to customize those little plastic LEGO people. (I wish I’d known about Kevlar gloves years ago; they’d have saved me a lot of fingertips being sliced off with X-Acto blades!)

The preview alone is worth your time to read, even if you’re not interested in buying the book from us. The book itself is only $9.95 print ($3.95 digital), and we’re letting current BrickJournal subscribers trade it for one issue of their BrickJournal subscription. Ordering info can be found here.

Jared Burks is a special guest at our own BrickMagic LEGO Festival, here in Raleigh, NC on May 7-8, and giving free minifigure customization workshops. If you’ve never been to a LEGO Fan Festival, I’ve just posted a PDF version of the Program Book for our event at this link, so feel free to download it and get an idea of the fun we’ve got in store for people in a couple of weeks. And hey, if you’d like to attend yourself, go to for all the details, and ticket and hotel information.

Tornados in NC

To everyone who’s called and written to see if we were affected by the tornados that hit North Carolina this weekend, thanks for the concern. We’re fine; they hit nearby (a little too close for comfort!), but we had very little actual damage.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for a lot of people here in Raleigh, NC, so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as everyone around here begins the clean-up process.

But wow, that was one intense storm…

Shining the light on Golden Age publisher Victor Fox

If you’ve ever wanted to know more about unscrupulous 1940s publisher Victor Fox (you know; he published the original Blue Beetle, Phantom Lady, the infamous Superman knock-off “Wonder Man” by Will Eisner, and others), check out Alter Ego #101, shipping in mid-May. We’ve got a PDF Preview available now, and you can pre-order the issue here. It’s more great comics journalism from the magazine that again got nominated in this year’s Eisner Awards for… well, Best Comics-Related Journalism!