Author Archives: Mr. Morrow

TwoMorrows’ signing schedule for Comic-Con

Here’s who we’ll have signing at our Booth #1215 at Comic-Con International:

MIKE W. BARR (author of numerous comics, including Camelot 3000 and Batman and the Outsiders, plus TwoMorrows’ Silver Age Sci-Fi Companion):
Saturday, 4:30-5:30pm (right after he moderates a Spotlight on Joe Staton panel in Room 4)

KEITH DALLAS (comics journalist, and author of TwoMorrows’ new Flash Companion book, which debuts at Comic-Con)
Thursday, 4-5pm (right after the TwoMorrows Publishing Panel in Room 10)
Friday, 3-4pm
Saturday, 11-12pm

JOE MENO (LEGO builder, and editor of TwoMorrows’ new BrickJournal magazine for LEGO enthusiasts)
Thursday, 2-3pm
Friday, Noon-1pm (right after the LEGO/BrickJournal Panel in Room 4)
Saturday, Noon-1pm

BENJAMIN HOLCOMB (author of TwoMorrows’ acclaimed book Mego 8″ Superheroes: World’s Greatest Toys!)
Thursday, Noon-1pm
Friday, 1-2pm
Saturday, 3-4pm

DANNY FINGEROTH (Spider-Man writer/editor, and editor of TwoMorrows’ Write Now! magazine)
Thursday, 5-6pm
Friday, 5-6pm
Saturday, 2-3pm
(right after the TwoMorrows Academic Panel in Room 30AB)

In addition, Modern Masters editor Eric Nolen-Weathington and publisher John Morrow will be at the booth non-stop for most of the convention, and Rand Hoppe of the Jack Kirby Museum will be there scanning Kirby art for the Museum’s archives.

New titles debuting at Comic-Con

At Comic-Con, we’ll have a limited number of copies of four new books which will debut at booth #1215 next week:

The Flash Companion
Modern Masters Vol. 18: John Romita Jr.
Jack Kirby Checklist: Gold Edition
BrickJournal Compendium Vol. 1

However, our copies of those books didn’t arrive before we left for Comic-Con, so those will be mailed to customers when we return on August 5 (except BrickJournal Compendium Vol. 1, which won’t arrive here until later in August, and will be mailed then).

TwoMorrows Panels at Comic-Con

Here’s our Comic-Con panel schedule and descriptions; please tell everyone you know, and we’ll see you there!

Modern Masters: LIVE
Thursday, JULY 24
Modern Masters editor Eric Nolen-Weathington brings together three of the greatest artists in comics – Frank Cho (Liberty Meadows, Mighty Avengers), Michael Golden (Micronauts, The ‘Nam), and Mark Schultz (Xenozoic Tales, Superman: Man of Steel) – for a conversation about art, comics, and beyond!
Room 5AB

TwoMorrows Publishing Today
Thursday, JULY 24
Join the crew from TwoMorrows Publishing for a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating all their fan-favorite books and magazines on the art and history of comics! On hand will be publisher John Morrow, Modern Masters’ Eric Nolen-Weathington, Write Now!’s Danny Fingeroth, BrickJournal’s Joe Meno, and Keith Dallas, author of TwoMorrows’ new Flash Companion book, as they unveil new products and offer exclusive previews of upcoming items!
Room 10

LEGO and BrickJournal: Brave New World
Friday, JULY 25
Come see what grown-ups and “big kids” are doing with LEGO today, and what fuels them to never put the brick down! With notable guests including Joe Meno, editor & creator of BrickJournal, the magazine for adult fans of LEGO; expert builders Bryce McGlone and Brandon Griffith; and female builder Jessi Pastor; this panel showcases amazing examples of how they put their LEGO building talents to use! So dust off those old bricks in your basement and join the brave new world of LEGO builders!
Room 4

Saturday, JULY 26
TwoMorrows Publishing is known for celebrating the art and history of comics, and the company has been making inroads into the academic community with its line of “how-to” books, magazines, and DVDs. Now, you can have your chance to hear, and to participate in, a dialogue with TwoMorrows to find out how to strengthen the relationship between the publisher and the academic community. What TM publications do you feel speak to you and your students, and what educational niches do you see that TwoMorrows can fill for the academic world? Publisher John Morrow, Danny Fingeroth (Write Now!) represent Twomorrows in this freewheeling exchange of ideas. Peter Coogan (institute for comics studies) speaks from the academic viewpoint. And Durwin Talon (Panel Discussions, Savannah College of Art and Design), and John Lowe (Working Methods, Savannah College of Art and Design) have a foot in both worlds. Q&A to follow.
Room 30AB

Comic-Con’s coming, we’re going!

The annual San Diego Comic-Con (or Comic-Con International: San Diego to be more exact) is next week, July 23-27. We’ll be at our usual booth (#1215, right across from the Golden & Silver Age Pavilion), and as I type this, we’re all scrambling to get everything ready for our trip next week.

NOTE: We’re officially closed from now until August 5, so any orders placed online from here-on will be processed the week of August 4. But you can still get Digital Editions automatically online, including the three issues we’re debuting at Comic-Con: Alter Ego #79, Rough Stuff #9, and Back Issue #29, all of which have already been mailed to subscribers.

If you’ll be there, please stop by, and meet & greet some of our editors and authors, more of which you’ll read about a couple of posts from now.

50% Off select books and DVDs

For the next two weeks only (through July 14), select books are 50% off cover price. This sale features books in our popular “how-to” category of books, offering invaluable information for anyone interested in the creation of comics. Included are:

BEST OF DRAW Volume 1-3 collections
BEST OF WRITE NOW trade paperback, which give tutorials and demonstrations of drawing and writing comics by top industry pros.

Two MODERN MASTERS DVDs, showcasing artists GEORGE PEREZ and MICHAEL GOLDEN at work in their studios, showing viewers how they produce their award-winning, fan favorite artwork.

COMICS INTROSPECTIVE: PETER BAGGE, which gets into the head of the indy artist, showcasing a groundbreaking interview and artwork.

G-FORCE: ANIMATED, a full-color history of the animated series Battle of the Planets.

This sale is only valid for orders placed at through July 14, and does not include shipping costs. A banner atop the TwoMorrows’ home page links directly to the list of books offered at 50% off. So order soon!

Two Mags, Two Weeks, Two Bucks at TwoMorrows

Short and sweet; from now through June 30, you can get back issues of WRITE NOW and COMIC BOOK ARTIST for only $2 each, plus shipping. That’s up to 70% off cover price, even cheaper than our half-price bundles, but you’ve only got two weeks to take advantage of this deal, so click on the “Two Mags, Two Bucks” category in the upper lefthand corner of our home page at and get to ordering! (Due to limited availability, we’ve excluded CBA #21 from the sale, but it’s still available at 15% off.)

And PLEASE don’t phone or mail in orders expecting to get this deal; they’ll be normal price that way. Web orders = easy to process, so you save moolah. Phone/mail orders = hard to process, make my head hurt manually calculating discounts, make me grumpy, wife get mad, no peace at Casa Morrow, so no cheapo mags for you. Nerf said.

New Tune-In posted

The latest TwoMorrows Tune-In Podcast is all set for you to download! On the show this month, host Chris Marshall talks with comic book legend Nick Cardy and editor, Eric Nolen-Weathington on their new book Nick Cardy: Behind the Art. Chris also goes over all of the June and July releases and has hint as to what’s to come in September with the Modern Masters series. So click here already:

Kirby Five-Oh! release party

It was only about four weeks late, but last Friday night, we had our Kirby Five-Oh release party at Casa Morrow. In attendance were local Kirby fans Glenn Musial (with wife Jean), Russ Garwood, Ed Stelli, Pat Varker, Modern Masters mogul Eric Nolen-Weathington (with wife Donna and kids Iain and Caper), along with four Morrows (moi included), and BrickJournal editor Joe Meno just for good measure. I played chef, grilling burgers (both real and veggie), hot dogs, and chicken (using wife Pam’s secret marinade), and everybody basically chowed down on a ton of food and had a great time catching up with each other.

Glenn, Russ, Ed, and Pat are the stalwarts who, in the early days of TwoMorrows (and up until we moved to our new location about four years ago) would head over whenever a new issue of the Jack Kirby Collector shipped, and help me stuff them into mailing envelopes and sort them for the post office. In return, we’d swill down pizza and shoot the bull about everything from comics and movies to TV, wrestling, and whatever else each of us was into that given month. So this get-together was a nice chance to catch up, since we haven’t all been in the same place at the same time for at least a couple of years (since our last get-together).

Why four weeks after the actual release of the issue/book? Cause that’s how long it took us all to arrange a day when we could all be in one place. Glenn just got back from Rome (Italy, not Georgia) the night before, so he was undoubtedly pretty jetlagged, but didn’t let it show. Pat regaled us with more stories of his close friend (and international rock star) Tori Amos, Russ (who manages our local comics shop, Capitol Comics) clued us in on the latest in retailing, and Ed told us about his latest eco-vacation trip. We closed the night with a short video of Jack Kirby’s panel appearance at a 1980s comic con, and vowed it wouldn’t be another 50 issues before we got back together.

I can’t thank my wife Pam enough for all the hard work she put into this shindig, from making potato salad to planning what to have on hand for that many people. And thanks to all the guys for the years of helping me get TJKC out to our readers, and the continued friendship.